4,000 Experimentally Bred Beagles Have Been Saved And Need Another Chance

4000 rescued experiment bred beagles need another chance

These 4,000 experimentally bred beagles have finally been rescued and need another chance to start a new life.

The Justice Department’s recent appeal to the Humane Society of the United States for shelters to help relocate nearly 4,000 beagles from a kennel linked to animal testing labs is a prime example. What happened as a result of these efforts was truly historic in the fight against animal cruelty.

It is appalling that in some cases animal testing seems to be a necessity today, especially when done illegally out of public view. Most of these animals that are kept in labs do so in inhumane conditions while corporations make millions from them.

The Humane Society of West Michigan has worked hand-in-hand with the Humane Society of the United States, according to Bored Panda, and as a shelter they have lent all of their resources and knowledge to help the 4,000 experimentally bred beagles who have been subjected to cruel research, testing and inhumane parenting practices in Cumberland, Virginia.

4,000 beagles bred for experiments have been saved

4,000 experimentally bred beagles rescued

The animals were kept in terrible, prison-like conditions, starved, sick and abused, and some died due to the very circumstances to which they were subjected. Those who survived this treatment were then directed to testing laboratories.

4,000 beagles bred for experiments have been rescued

According to USDA records, the Envigo facility, the Cumberland, Virginia, center for breeding beagles for medical research, had committed 70 animal rights violations, including more than 300 puppy deaths of unknown causes. beginning of 2021, inhumane euthanasia of puppies suffering from serious skin and dental problems, diseases in dogs, as well as dogs injured during fights between them.

rescued puppies

This led to further action by the United States Department of Justice, which resulted in the closure of the Cumberland facility.

The Humane Society of West Michigan wrote on its Facebook account:

We don’t know what condition these poor little dogs will arrive in, but we want to make sure we give them every possible chance to live happy, healthy lives.

Scared puppy in a cage

The process of rescuing this number of dogs requires enormous logistics, in addition to the support of veterinarians, volunteers and drivers. Fortunately, after this great rescue, all of these beagles will be able to find loving homes and begin their healing process in their new lives with family, grassy yards, gentle naps, treats and walks.

Finally, Homeward Trails Animal Rescue wrote about beagles on their Instagram account:

It was a stressful few weeks as Homeward Trails and other groups worked to finalize a deal for the remaining Beagles at this facility, ranging from 500 one day to 3,700 dogs another day. The good news is that it has finally been decided that ALL of the remaining dogs (around 4000) will be transferred for adoption. VICTORY !.

happy beagle puppy

Thank you to all those people and organizations who participated in the rescue of these dogs, who did not even know the grass. Now they can have a second chance at life and soon be happy in a loving home.

Currently, you can make your donations on the Homeward Trails Animal Rescue website, to help all these puppies in their treatments and their different needs.

Images: Facebook / Homeward Trails Animal Rescue


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