A shelter created by a teacher and her Grade 4 students has saved the lives of many dogs who now have homes.
In Dalhart, Texas, a shelter made up of 4th graders and their teacher was created. This noble initiative was born when a group of children saw a picture of some puppies inside a box. Distraught, they asked their teacher what would happen if they weren’t adopted, and she couldn’t tell them there was nothing they could do, just as the Dalhart Animal Wellness Group and Sanctuary (DAWGS) was born.
This place has been run by teacher Diane Trull since March 2003 with her student volunteers. He is still active and has saved the lives of thousands of animals.
4th graders rescue abandoned dogs

The kids learned great lessons there, they focused on running the shelter, they learned the responsibility that comes with having a pet, they developed their commitment to the community, they learned compassion and they have strengthened their confidence.
Many of the children who started the shelter are now on their way to graduating from college, they remember those days and appreciate what they learned at the shelter. They say their work at DAWGS has changed them forever.

DAWGS also has its book that bears the name of the shelter, it is a writing that tells the story of these homeless animals and the little ones who rescued them, telling all the challenges they had to face to set up the shelter.
With all the odds against them, they had to deal with local politicians, farmers and the raging local weather, a true hero story.

Currently, DAWGS is working with donations and adoptions across the country, they hope to find more benefactors and form a mobile veterinary unit.

You can learn more about this great initiative on their website dawgsntexas.com
Images: Facebook / Dawgs N Texas