His unbridled joy of life is visible to everyone who looks at him. A nine-year-old dog named Chevy is often mistaken for a puppy. All because of his small size and a smile that is impossible not to reciprocate.
The dog lives in Kettering, in the American state of Ohio. There he has become a local attraction thanks to his charm and the smile that never disappears from his face. Encouraged by the positive reactions, the owner decided to share the dog’s joy with Internet users and created an account on social networks, where she shares cute photos of the dog.
A smile that is difficult not to infect
His superpower makes others happy. Every time someone meets him, he smiles.
โ We lost our golden retriever 9 years ago and were looking for a companion for our corgi mix. We found him in an ad in a newspaper. He was surrounded by a group of dachshunds who didn’t like him. My husband took him and said he was coming home with us, says the owner of the happiest dog in the world, Tina Denlinger.
She saw his infectious smile for the first time after his first visit to the vet. He has become a full-fledged member of the family and a source of infinite joy.

He is always happy. He has never had a bad day
Sometimes there is an expression other than a smile on his face. Owners then know that something is wrong. However, such situations are rare, because for the dog, everything is a reason to be happy.
He is often mistaken for a puppy. He is full of energy and approaches the world with joy. When excited, he spins energetically. Everyone who meets him smiles at him involuntarily.
“We have never seen him have a bad day.” He never stops making us laugh. Everything is a reason to celebrate: if we go for a walk, Chevy parties, if he runs, he parties. He is always happy, says Tina.

Is a dog’s smile really a sign of happiness? Scientists have doubts
It would seem that a dog’s smile, so similar to a human’s, is a sign of happiness. It turns out that the question is a little more complicated. There is a lack of solid evidence and research to support this thesis.
It is still unclear whether smiling is something dogs do on purpose and whether it means the same thing to humans. Some suggest that it is the result of dogs evolving to adapt to our way of expressing emotion. Our pets know how to influence us and that a big smile is a way of showing affection that people understand. According to others, animal smiles are caused by contractions of facial muscles caused by something completely different, which owners interpret in a too anthropomorphic way.
Despite heated discussions between scientists and canine behaviorists, it is each owner who knows his pet best and is able to understand what he feels. Chevy’s owner assures that the dog is the happiest animal she has ever met and it is difficult to dispute that. And while waiting for the conflict to be resolved, we can admire the photos of this charming smiling dog.
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