A little kitten alone in a big world. Except for one person, all the doctors didn’t give him a chance

A little kitten alone in a big world

Kitten Rescue Australia showed on its Instagram profile the story of a kitten they took care of. The animal’s condition was very serious and the veterinarians did not start treatment because the risk of complications was too high. Most likely, the fate of little Georgie would have ended in the worst possible way if it had not been for the quick reaction of one of the volunteers. In the arms of his temporary caregiver, the little boy found peace and happiness.

Little kittens are undoubtedly adorable creatures. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough empathy to take responsibility for them, especially when they are in a serious condition. Fortunately, this little boy found a kind-hearted woman who will not let him suffer anymore.

She found a little kitten in a serious condition on the street

A volunteer from Kitten Rescue Australia spotted a little cat on the sidewalk. There was no sign of his mother or siblings next to him. The desperate cry that came out of his little mouth broke her heart. She immediately understood that she had to help him.

– He was exhausted and needed quick medical intervention – we learn from the video.

A little kitten alone in a big world

The woman quickly found a box in which she put the terrified baby and went to look for a veterinarian who could take care of him. Although it is not known exactly how many weeks he was, he must have been very young, because he weighed only 360 grams.

A little kitten alone in a big world

Not all veterinarians wanted to undertake treatment

The first doctor consulted by the volunteer said that the boy was suffering from feline typhus, but refused to treat him. All because, according to him, the disease could spread to other patients in the hospital. However, the woman did not give up the fight for the kitten’s life. In the end, she spent the whole day trying to find a doctor for him, but finally, after visiting the ninth clinic, she succeeded.

It turned out that the kitten was actually suffering from cat flu and that in order to feel better, it was necessary to give him appropriate medication. However, the vet recommended giving him some and feeding him with a syringe every three hours. His guardian had no choice but to do just that.

– Fortunately, he started to feel better very quickly. I named him Georgie, it reads.

A little kitten alone in a big world

The cat couldn’t be in better hands

The recording, which clearly shows how the woman takes care of the baby and takes care of him, shows that she was not indifferent to his fate. Day after day, the kitten felt better and better, gained strength and, by his behavior, showed his gratitude to the volunteer for changing his fate.

Little Georgie undoubtedly owes a lot to her savior, but he also proved that his little body contained an immense fighting spirit. Although it is not known whether he has remained with his adoptive mother permanently, we are convinced that she would never let him fall into the wrong hands.

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