Abandoned Dog Won’t Let Anyone Help Him For Days Waiting For Family

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

In Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, people noticed a very temperamental abandoned Border Collie dog hanging out in a local park. In cold weather, the poor thing was all alone and she didn’t let anyone near her either.

Worried about the poor dog, people contacted Janine Guido, founder of Speranza Animal Rescue, a well-known animal rescue organization in the city.

Janine told The Dodo:

“He stayed in one place, like he was waiting for his family to come back. But they never did.”

She was counting on the help of the community to find and save the dog. People reported sightings to him to help him find it. But it wasn’t easy.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

Janine said:

“The first and second day I was away, I was able to hand feed her. However, if I had to twirl her around on a leash, she would back off.”

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

The woman got so close that the dog, whom she named Carla, got scared and ran off into the woods.

The rescue group’s Facebook page, meanwhile, was helping spread the word so locals could help locate the frightened dog.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

The band wrote on Facebook:

“Have you ever wondered what a dog who has been abandoned by his masters is doing? He sits and watches. Waiting for his family to return.”

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

Janine said:

“The park was a very populated area. And she was always scared with all the people around her. Eventually, after others found her in the forest, she moved.”

After two days of searching, there was no sign of Carla. And people started to worry. But very early the next day, Janine received a call that Carla was sleeping on a back porch.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

She said:

“I almost got her, but she freaked out again.”

Dog abandoned in park waited days for family to return

Carla ran away again. Hours later, Janine started streaming live videos on the Speranza Animal Rescue Facebook page, and no one knew what to expect.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

In the video, Janine opened up about her struggle over the past few hours to save Carla.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

After Carla fled, Janine received another call a few hours later saying she had been seen again. And the video suddenly turns to the passenger seat, where Carla was sitting.

Janine said in the video:

“We have it! I’m really excited. Your new life has begun. Now you’re safe and we love you.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

Janine said:

“She followed me onto a porch. And the other two women blocked off both entrances, so he couldn’t escape. They tied her up and the rest is history.”

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

Carla was taken to the vet, where they discovered she was 10 years old, had no microchip and weighed between 15 and 20 pounds.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

“No neighbors recognize her. There were no missing reports from the police. Unfortunately, we believe he was abandoned and that’s why he was in the same place.”

Carla was exhausted after spending days alone outside.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

“I couldn’t keep my eyes open. It’s so cute, I was so scared. But once he was in my car, it was like he knew he was safe.”

Carla was placed in a foster home where she could feel safe, a safe, warm and calm place to rest and recuperate.

Abandoned border collie park waiting family

When she’s ready, she can find a forever home.

Images: Facebook / Speranza Animal Rescue

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