This Service Dog Has The Sweetest Reaction When He Receives A Video Call From His Mom

assistance dog mother video call

Moxie is a beautiful service dog who does her best every day to help her mother Katie Harris with all her chores. Moxie accompanies Katie to work and stays by her side unconditionally at home.

Katie suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder and for which she underwent surgery which forced her to be separated from Moxie for a period of time.

Katie Harris told The Dodo:

Moxie helps me every day and has really been a great blessing to me. Very often when I bend over, I get injured with a dislocation or pass out due to blood pressure issues. Moxie picks up everything I I drop, get my shoes, my clothes or whatever she needs.

Reaction of a service dog when receiving a video call from his mother

Cute assistance dog on a chair

Being away from Moxie while in hospital was very difficult for Katie, but she was mostly concerned about how her service dog would feel.

Moxie cute assistance dog

Katie said:

I hate being away from Moxie, especially during tough times. When I found out I was going to be transferred to rehab, I kind of decided to make a video call, not knowing if I would have a reaction.

Moxie in her mother's wheelchair

After 12 days apart, Moxie also missed her mother, she was very happy to see her again even if it was through a screen.

Assistance dog and his mother

Moxie immediately recognized Katie’s voice and started licking the phone.

Katie said:

I didn’t see the full reaction until my stepmom sent me the video and I couldn’t believe it! I really think she knew it was me.

Moxie and her mother

The next day, Moxie was able to reunite with her mother and it was a very exciting time for both of them.

Katie said:

I couldn’t wait to see it, I was a little nervous about my neck because of my cervical fusion. But she jumped on my lap and immediately started licking me, it didn’t hurt me at all neck. Eventually we stopped hugging while I held her.

Moxie and mother hug

Moxie has changed Katie’s life in an incredible way, so she’s working on a project to provide service animals to people in need.

Moxie taking care of her mother in the hospital

Katie said:

I can honestly say that having Moxie ‘saved’ me and I’m incredibly grateful to her for that. Not only does it help me physically, but we’re a team in overcoming these challenges and obstacles.

Moxie accessory holder assistance dog

If you want to know more about this beautiful couple, you can follow them on their Facebook and Instagram page. And if you’d like to help Katie in the project of reuniting service dogs with people in need, you can donate by clicking here.

Images: Instagram / adventures_with_moxie

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