Australian Cattle Dog | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Australian Cattle Dog

    The Blue Heeler – Australian Cattle Dog, or simple the Cattle Dog. It also receives two different names depending on the type of fur it develops: “Red Heeler” or “Blue Heeler”. This dog has an incredible aptitude for training, breeding and physical exercise being an exceptional dog in the different canine sports.

    A completely unique combination of the blood of domestic friends of man and wild dingo dogs, multiplied by an amazing speckled color – all this is an Australian shepherd dog or a blue healer.

    Dog sheet Australian Cattle Dog

    Australian Cattle Dog photos

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    Physical characteristics

    The body of the Australian Cattle Dog is strong, muscular and agile. It has great strength and should not be rough or weak. It is slightly longer than it is tall and has a flat top (not tilted).

    He is a compact medium sized dog. The height of an adult male is 46-51 cm, females – 43-48 cm, weight – 17-23 kg.


    Distinctive features

    • Head: The skull is quite broad, domed between the ears. The transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced. The muzzle is moderately long, tapering towards the nose.
    • Teeth: Scissor bite, strong teeth.
    • Eyes: The shape of the eyes is oval, the color is brown. The eyes are not sunken, but not protruding either. The eyes of the dog show intelligence and concentration.
    • Ears: Ears of medium size, erect, moderately pointed. The inside of the ear is covered with wool.
    • Body: The topline is level. The chest is deep, moderately wide. The ribs are rounded, but not barrel-shaped. The back is strong, goes into a wide and strong loin.
    • Limbs: Seen from the front, the front legs are straight and parallel. The shoulder blades are strong, oblique, muscular. The hind limbs are broad and muscular. Seen from behind, they are straight, placed in parallel. The legs are rounded, the fingers are short with strong claws. The pads are firm and deep.
    • Coat: The coat is smooth with an undercoat. The outer coat is hard, which ensures impermeability. The average length of the coat is 2.5-4 cm, the coat on the head and forelegs is short. The color can be of two types – blue and red. The dog is characterized by small spots and specks of silver-gray color with a blue color or orange-brown with a red color. The head may have black, blue or fawn markings.

    Character and behavior

    The Australian Cattle Dog has a somewhat stubborn, independent character, but at the same time very open and friendly to owners. These are very intelligent dogs that always come to their own conclusions, perfectly understand a person and are distinguished by excellent resourcefulness. In addition, they are extremely hardy, and can live in the most diverse climates and in general in the most diverse conditions without experiencing internal discomfort.

    This dog is extremely attached to its master and is ready to follow him anywhere, even to the ends of the world, and it does not matter where this earth is – to the North Pole or to the hot deserts of Africa. The dog will survive anywhere and help the owner to survive.

    Strangers are treated neutrally, as long as they are not intruders or aggressive towards the dog or its owners. By the way, if you live in the private sector, it is better to have a fence with a concrete foundation, because the Australian Cattle Dog can dig very well and make a short trip.

    With the children

    Children are well perceived, but they feel responsible for them, like a herd, because this is a sheepdog, and therefore sometimes they can try to lead them into the manger, and even bite lightly the heels.

    With other animals

    Naturally, hunting instincts are also extremely strong and all small animals including small dogs, cats, squirrels and all rodents are potential prey. However, they can be trained to live with a cat from an early age, but keep in mind that all other cats except a friendly house cat will always be prey. But, hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots – here you do not even have to try, because the Australian Cattle Dog, in principle, cannot perceive them as anything other than prey.


    The Australian Cattle Dog is prone to certain illnesses, although they are generally very healthy.

    • Hip dysplasia;
    • Dysplasia of the elbow joint;
    • Hypothyroidism ;
    • Thrombopathy;
    • von Willebrand’s disease;
    • Progressive retinal atrophy;
    • Deafness is an inherited condition in Australian Cattle Dogs but can be tested in puppies. Deafness is associated with the white color of the coat.

    Life expectancy

    With proper care, the Australian Cattle Dog can live 13 to 15 years.


    The Australian Cattle Dog should be brushed about twice a week. Hair clipping is not necessary. Bathe your pet once a month or more. The ears should be cleaned two to three times a week, the eyes daily or as needed. The claws are trimmed three times a month.

    History of the breed

    Unlike the Australian Shepherd, the Australian Cattle Dog is originally from Australia. European settlers who emigrated to Australia in the late 18th century and early 19th century needed cattle dogs capable of dealing with wild cattle in the harshest environmental conditions. Unfortunately for them, the dogs they brought were not able to withstand such hot weather and extreme working conditions.

    So, in 1840, a man by the name of Hall decided to cross blue merle mountain collies with dingoes. The result was the forerunner of today’s Australian boyboy. The crosses included the Dalmatian, the Bull Terrier and the Australian Kelpie. In the end, a tireless, intelligent and courageous dog was obtained, capable of handling the toughest cattle in the most extreme conditions. The Blue Heeler dog is not the most popular dog today, but he has a lot of fans who share their life, canine sports and work with cattle with him. It is an incredible dog that is not suitable for all owners.


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