Australian Mist | Cat Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

Australian mist

The Australian Mist cat, also known by the spotted mist, is a medium-sized short-haired cat with a rounded head and large expressive eyes of different shades of green.

The Australian Mist cat is endemic to the island, the home of the kangaroo and koala. This means that, apart from Australia, they are extremely rare anywhere. The Australian Mist is similar to the depiction of a slightly plump ancient Egyptian cat in frescoes. The smooth lines of the pet’s figure, its bright, spotted color, piercing gaze of intelligent eyes and cheerful character – this is what makes animals of this breed a good option for home life.


Australian mist photos

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Physical characteristics

Australian Mist cats are medium in size, the body structure is proportional without prominent parts. The weight of a cat is average and weighs between 3 and 6 kilos for males, and between 2 and 5 for females.


Distinctive features

  • Head: Broad, blunt, wedge-shaped with a wide space between the ears and slightly rounded contours. Pronounced whisker pads. The nose is slightly projecting in profile, without stop, wide at the lobe, equal in length to the convex forehead. The muzzle is obtusely angled, with soft features converging in a wedge shape towards the chin. The chin is strong.
  • Eyes: Large, shiny, slightly slanting, almond-shaped. Color – all shades of green, a very beautiful ultramarine tint is possible.
  • Ears: Medium to large in size, broad at the base, with distinctively rounded tips, set on straight or carried slightly forward. The outer line of the ear extends the contours of the head.
  • Body: Medium in size, firm, well muscled. Chest broad, rounded in profile.
  • Legs: Of medium length, not thin, with characteristic dark stripes.
  • Tail: Thick, in proportion to the body, slightly pointed.
  • Hair: Short, soft, loose but profuse, with a moderate, shiny, glossy undercoat.
  • Colours: rich and warm, with a russet tone on the back of the nose, cheeks and ears; “Rufism” is present even in the lightest colors. The inner side of the body is much lighter, giving the impression of an “invisible coat” on the body – “fog”. Colors such as: chocolate, lilac, caramel, cinnamon, fawn develop long enough, and cats of these colors look much lighter for quite a long time (up to 2 years). The colors have a ‘rufed’ undercoat and a ‘smoky coat’ due to the genetic ‘inheritance’ of the Australian Smoky color (echoes of the Burmese and Abyssinian breeds, respectively)
  • The colors are only speckled or mottled. Spotted pattern, quite rare, with spots of any size and shape, often even in a rosette. Main/undercoat tone is lighter than pictured; the pattern is quite light, but stands out from the main tone. The drawing seems covered with a veil; this is due to excessive ticking in the figure.

Character and behavior

The Australian Mist cat is very tolerant of the handling of its close relatives and is distinguished by being a cat that adapts to small spaces without showing anxiety or discomfort. It is generally a playful, kind and friendly cat and not at all gruff. The Australian Mist cat appreciates the company and the attention of the people around him: he is a grateful and sweet cat.

The Australian Mist cat adapts to the different environments in which it is developed. Its kindness, sympathy and sweetness make it one of the best breeds to accompany humans and other animals. It of course requires a lot of attention for its moments of play and fun, so if you decide to adopt a copy of this breed, you must take this point into account.

Neutered specimens have an affinity and a better relationship with other pets, whether cats or dogs, a characteristic trait that has been promoted by certified breeders.


This breed of cats is not prone to special diseases, including genetic ones. In general, the Australian Mist is a healthy cat, although it is an artificially bred breed.

This breed is also prone to overweight.

Life expectancy

The Australian Mist cat has a high life expectancy, between 15 and 18 years.


The breed belongs to short-haired, and there will be no special difficulties with care. All you need to do is brush your pet regularly, once every one to two weeks. Also, it is necessary to brush his teeth at least 3 times a week to prevent the development of diseases of the teeth and gums. Clean the ears as needed.

You can rarely bathe a pet, however, it often depends on the surrounding conditions – if your cat has free access to the street (for example, when you live in a private house), this should be done more often.

Claws are usually trimmed on average once every 10 days or as needed.

It is important to provide your pet with good living conditions and a complete and healthy diet so that it can maintain its activity and longevity.

Fun facts

  • His name was Spotted Mist until 1998, when he began to present more characteristic patterns that made him want to differentiate himself from the current name.
  • The Australian mist cat is still being recognized by various feline associations which are hesitant to grant it the quality of its own breed.
  • The color acquires its final color by the age of two. Until that time, he may be quite pale.
  • A reddish tint on the nose and cheeks is present even in adult cats of a light shade.
  • Australian Mist cats can take on leopard colors. If they have a marble pattern, then symmetrical dark spots can be diluted with light blotches.
  • The main nurseries and breeders are based only in Australia. Because of this, the price of Australian Mist cats is quite high. Kittens can be purchased starting at $ 400. And this is just a pet kitten. There are also the most expensive categories called breeds and shows. They cost from $ 800 per individual.
  • The Burmese cat has 50% of the Australian Mist cats’ genes.

History of the breed

Australian scientists have fought for a long time to create a unique breed of cats that would become a national treasure of the mainland. This was done in the mid-1980s by a breeder from Sydney, Trude Strede. She set a goal for herself – to bring out a medium-sized cat who would be comfortable living in a city apartment. At the same time, such pets should have a balanced character, special, attractive appearance and short hair that does not require special care.

As a result of ten years of painstaking work, an impeccable pet was created, combining the genes of thirty representatives of the feline world. The most striking features of the Australian Mist cats inherited from the Burmese cat – physique features, more than half of the color and sociability. From the Abyssinian they got two other shades of wool, a ticked color and love of life, and from a simple short-haired domestic one – spotting.

The long-awaited new breed was registered in 1986 by the local cat lovers’ organization as the Spotted Mist. Later, in 1998, kittens developed a marbled-spotted coat color and deep aquamarine iris color, this was due to the addition of the Siamese gene. Due to the changes in the exterior and, possibly, under the influence of patriotism, the breed was renamed the Australian Mist (from the juice “mystic”).

The Australian Mist remains national. The small number of this species of island felines has led to the fact that this breed has not yet gained worldwide fame. Besides Australia, smoky cats are bred in the UK. There are no breeders in the states yet, but individual animals are registered, of which there are no more than a few dozen. Mostly Australian Mist cats live in catteries and are not sold abroad.


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