Although she is as beautiful as a doll, Barbie is out of luck. The heavy chain around her neck had followed her all her life

Beautiful dog Barbie is out of luck

A dog named Barbie has been wandering around strangers looking for help. A broken chain trailed behind her. Although she had been neglected for years, she was ready to trust a man again. A woman who stood in her way decided to help. Unfortunately, the tired dog needs full medical care to be able to live comfortably. He needs funds for treatment.

Barbie came to live with a family. She had a chain around her neck

A few days ago, Barbie got in the way of Tola, who decided to help her. The dog was already old, her little body showing signs of overwhelming fatigue. She had a chain around her neck. It looked like she had taken the opportunity to run away when he stopped.

The stray dog was immediately fed and was able to get a good night’s sleep. She was really tired. It is not known where she came from and under what conditions she lived. The only clue was the chain around his neck.

Barbie has a long visit to the vet ahead of her. Neglected female dog needs full care

The next step on Barbie’s road to recovery is a trip to the vet. Exhausting medical treatments await the older dog. Due to years of neglect by the previous owners, the list of “things to do” is very long.

We are taking him to the vet next week. We have to control her, deworm her, chip her, vaccinate her, microchip her and sterilize her. Due to the fact that she appears to be a scary bitch, we also want to perform an echocardiogram and an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, as experience tells us that the older the dog, the more likely “something” will come out in the tests – you can read in the description of the fundraiser.

Beautiful dog Barbie is out of luck

Barbie needs help. The Foundation does not have a bottomless piggy bank, and the treatment is expensive

The list of medical procedures is very long and financial resources are limited. This is why the Kundelek Foundation for the Protection of Animal Rights needs your help.

Their Facebook post says:

“That’s all we know for now.” As we get to know Barbie better, we’ll definitely tell you more, and for now we’re asking for your financial support so we can test her as soon as possible.”

Funds can be donated through the fundraising website. Barbie is waiting for help.

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