Boxer | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Boxer Dog

    The boxer dog (Deutscher Boxer), also known as the “German boxer” or simply “boxer” is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world and was born from the cross between a Brabant bullenbeisser and a bulldog.

    The Boxer is a medium sized guard dog. For household members, this dog is a devoted and loyal friend, for strangers – a great watchdog. Among all guard dogs, the boxer is the most cheerful, energetic and fun-loving dog. He loves children very much, is ready to frolic with them all day long. It seems that his energy reserve is inexhaustible.

    If the distant ancestors of the German boxer took part in battles, fought with wild animals while hunting and guarded farm goods, then the role of modern representatives of this breed is completely different.

    Now the boxer is used as a guide for people with disabilities, as a police dog and a watchdog. Also, a devoted companion comes out of a well-mannered German boxer.

    Dog sheet Boxer

    Boxer photos

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    Physical characteristics

    The German boxer has developed muscles in all parts of the body and a compact build. Representatives of the breed are a combination of nobility, endurance and power. The weight of adults is 30-35 kg, the height is 55-63 cm.


    Distinctive features

    • Head: The shape of the head is almost square. The skull is angular, with a furrow between the eyes. It should not be rounded or elongated. The muzzle is half as long as the skull, but of the same width.
    • Jaws: the jaws are strong. Outdated bite, that is to say that the lower jaw rides the superior. The fangs are largely spaced. When the mouth is closed, the teeth are not visible. The cheekbones gently pass to the muzzle.
    • Ears: hanging ears, small. Suspended on the sides of the head. Set high. Previously, they were moored in order to protect themselves from injury, but the standard of the breed was modified in 2002.
    • Eyes: The eyes are small and rounded. They are not prominent, but not pressed either. Located at great distance from each other. The color is dark brown. Black eyelids.
    • Frame: the body is muscular, square. The chest is quite wide, reaching the middle of the elbow in depth. The belly is well returned. The back is short but strong.
    • Members: The front legs are parallel and straight. The hind legs are slightly longer than the anterior, with well -developed muscles. The toes are compressed in tight pieces. The pads are thick. The nails are large and black.
    • Pelage: the coat is short, smooth and shiny. The color can be red and broken. There are white representatives of the breed, but they were extinguished by standard. On the muzzle there is a black mask. Stains on the ears. There may be white marks on the chest.

    Character and behavior

    The Boxer dog breed has a very friendly and inquisitive character. She is fully focused on her family and her owner, intelligent, understanding, has a noble temperament, self-control and great patience. This breed has a high energy level, they are restless and need a variety of activities including training, walking in nature, playing with other dogs and people.

    Within his family, the boxer is an incredibly affectionate, devoted and loving dog, distinguished by his obedience and responsiveness. He likes to play, have fun and in general often behaves very funny, attracting the eyes of the owners to himself – the dog certainly likes this. He adapts well to various living conditions and can live in an apartment in the city without problems if he takes enough walks and the activities described above.

    Boxers often treat strangers with suspicion: when guests appear in the house, they begin to bark loudly. Socializing the animal from an early age will help solve this problem.

    With the children

    One of the legendary qualities of a boxer is his attitude towards children and his great patience with them. Even a small child who is not yet very good at dealing with a dog will not cause a negative reaction in this breed. If this happens, then it is an isolated case, an exception to the rule.

    With other animals

    Boxers don’t get along well with other animals, especially dogs. They are always aggressive towards other dogs. When walking a boxer, he should be kept on a leash so that he does not rush off in pursuit of a cat or small animal.


    Statistics indicate that the boxer breed shows a certain predisposition to suffer from various hereditary diseases, the most common and relevant being the following:

    • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
    • Corneal dystrophy
    • Subaortic stenosis
    • Dilated cardiomyopathy
    • Degenerative myelopathy

    Life expectancy

    In general, the life expectancy of boxer dogs is around 10 and 13 years.


    Taking care of boxers is easy:

    • Since the box of the boxers is short, it is not combed. Each week, the dog is wiped with a cloth previously soaked in water.
    • Bathing dogs in this breed is extremely rare. Boxers must learn from early childhood to wash their legs after walking.
    • It is also worth keeping your dog’s eyes clean, because boxers are subject to conjunctivitis. Eyes allowances are carefully eliminated using a cotton or soft cloth.
    • It should be noted that it is necessary to regularly clean the dog’s ears, but this cannot be done with cotton swabs, it is also forbidden to cause alcohol and other products containing the Alcohol in the ears. To clean the ears of boxers dogs, the owner must wrap a piece of fabric around his finger and remove the dust and wax from the inside of the ears.
    • Boxer breed dogs should cut their nails, for this, you need to use special incisors.


    The boxer dog requires a minimum of three daily walks, where it can sniff, socialize and do its needs with total comfort. In addition, we must guarantee small sessions of physical exercise, so that the dog can continue to develop its muscles and channel stress. It is a particularly playful dog, so we can buy Frisbees, balls and other accessories that it likes. Daily activity will help maintain weight, which should also be monitored with an appropriate diet to avoid overweight or anorexia.

    Fun facts

    • The Boxer dogs were named so because of their behavior during a fight. These animals skillfully strike the opponent with their paws, like boxers in the ring.
    • Boxers have a universal blood group. Representatives of the breed are valued by veterinarians as donors. Timely transfusion saved more than one dog. Some boxers who donate blood regularly have been given the title of Honorary Donor.
    • Representatives of this breed were favorites of such celebrities as Robin Williams, Sylvester Stallone, Pablo Picasso.

    History of the breed

    The history of boxers begins with their distant ancestors. We are talking about a breed of powerful fighting dogs called “Bullenbeiser”. Their physical resemblance to modern boxers is undeniable. This is proven by the surviving images of the Bullenbeiser, dating from the 17th century.

    The homeland of the German boxer is Germany. It was in this country in Munich that the formation of the appearance and character of the representatives of the breed took place.

    Breeders have crossed Bulldogs and Mastiffs with Boxers. As a result, he was supposed to have a new breed. The advanced German boxer had to have the strength of a mastiff to hunt big game and stamina, a grip, the ability to move quickly like a bulldog.

    Crosses were also made with old English Bulldogs. From these dogs inherited a short, broad head and a coat with white spots.

    At the same time, breeders tried to make the boxer short, less aggressive. Their work has been crowned with success. A modern German Bulldog, if properly educated and trained, is a perfectly adequate and obedient dog. She is strong, energetic, friendly.

    At the same time, she is able to perform a guard service, in dangerous situations she is ready to fight with stronger and bigger opponents.

    Work on the formation of a new breed ended in 1850. It was then that the appearance of the German boxer became what we see now. The popularity and number of these dogs was at the highest level. They took part in hunting, in battles with bulls, with dogs. A powerful, energetic and fearless dog was much appreciated.

    But the time has come and the stripping dogs have been fired. This happened when every hunter had a gun and it was forbidden to fight with animals. The qualities of goalkeeper saved the boxers from complete oblivion. From hunters and fighters, these dogs have been converted into bodyguards, guards and shepherds.

    In 1896, the popularity and number of boxers increased dramatically. Connoisseurs of the breed organized the first German boxer club. Nowadays, many such clubs have been organized, and there are many nurseries engaged in the breeding of purebred individuals of this breed.


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