This young man by the name of Aaron Jackson, founder of Planting Peace, a non-profit organization located in the United States, recently decided to head for the Polish-Ukrainian border, after learning about the situation faced by the thousands of Ukrainian refugees seeking to escape the current conflict in the country.
Aaron told The Dodo:
Basically, I was reading news and looking at pictures two weeks ago when it all started. I saw a story about these refugees living in a train station and how it was really cold, and about two hours after I read this story, I bought a plane ticket and flew that day.
At the start, Aaron’s idea was not only to focus his collaboration on families with pets, but when he arrived at the border, he was able to realize the great need that existed to help the people and their pets.
Boy helps Ukrainian family find shelter

The young man says:
Two million people have left Ukraine and most of them have gone to Poland, so it has become incredibly difficult to find accommodation. It’s even more complex when you have a cat or a dog, because places are limited and not all places accept animals.

This guy and his team are monitoring animal shelters and finding ways to help through the crisis, they’ve been working hard to identify people with pets in need of homes, and he was recently able to help a Ukrainian family Who didn’t want a home, give up your dog
While Aaron was speaking with the manager of a local shelter to find out their needs, he came across a Ukrainian family traveling with a beautiful cocker spaniel named Bella.

After speaking with the family, the manager of the shelter explained to Aaron that they were refugees and that they were there to drop off their beloved dog as they had nowhere to go and did not want her be cold and hungry.
Fortunately, the young man managed to find them a house where they could stay with Bella in just 20 minutes. The family was really happy and grateful to be able to continue together.
Aaron said:
It was truly amazing for the stars to align like that.
In addition to helping families find safe homes, Planting Peace is also donating pet food and carriers for the nine main refugee centers established along the border. Aaron wants people and their animals to find healthy food after their difficult journey.
Aaron added:
There are those families who traveled 160 km, 300 km to get to the border and traveled 50 of those km with a dog on their back. So if a person is willing to do that for their dog, it’s certainly not up to me to tell them, ‘You have to get rid of your dog to find a place to live’. I’ll try to do everything in my power to get them home with their pet, especially since they’ve given up so much already.

Thanks to the efforts of people like Aaron, many families have been able to stay with their pets and find food and comfort through this difficult time.
If you would like to support the work of Planting Peace, you can make your donation on their website.
Images: Facebook / Planting Peace
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