Bruno lost an ear, but gained worldwide fame. When he got a teddy bear, he had a brilliant idea

Bruno pit bull lost an ear

Bruno is a pit bull from North Carolina who lost an ear in a fight with another aggressive dog. The animal struggled for a long time to recover, and when it finally succeeded, it turned out that it was aware of its injury. It’s hard to believe what he did to feel better around his favorite toy.

They say dogs are man’s best friend, but every pet owner knows they can’t compete with their pet’s favorite toys. Usually each of them has a teddy bear that they wouldn’t want to part with, even for a step. This was also the case with a pit bull named Bruno.

Bruno lost an ear during a fight with another dog

Bruno is an American pit bull terrier who spent much of his life on a farm in Raleigh, North Carolina. Unfortunately, one day an aggressive dog attacked him and, as he was tied up, he could not escape or fend off the attacks of the aggressor. As a result, he lost his right ear.

Although his recovery took time, the dog eventually got used to the situation led by irresponsible owners. He now fully admits that he only has one ear, and his healed wound fortunately does not interfere with his daily life.

– Even though he was attacked, he still loves other dogs and likes everyone he meets. He has a big heart and an indulgent soul โ€“ assure the employees of the shelter where the dog was finally found.

Bruno’s best friend now looks like him

When, after all these sad experiences, the pit bull ended up at the Wake County SPCA, his attention was immediately drawn to one of the toys prepared for him. The soft and fluffy dog with long floppy ears quickly became his best friend. From that moment, everyone knew that he and Bruno formed an inseparable duo.

One day, one of the employees who went to visit a pit bull in his enclosure saw something that he had to document on a photo. It turned out that the dog ripped off one of the toy’s ears, causing them to look like. While it’s hard to tell if he did it on purpose or if it was an unintended funny effect, they were even cuter now.

He now has a best friend like him.

Friendship with a one-eyed friend was a turning point

When shelter employees posted photos of Bruno with a toy that looked like him and described his sad story, netizens immediately became interested in his plight. Many of them reacted to the post, commented on it and shared it on their profile thinking of their friends. Everyone saw him as a charming dog that life did not spare.

Thanks to this, in a few days, many applications were received in which kind-hearted people asked for its adoption. Among the group of potential guardians, a man was selected who accepted Bruno as he is and promised to show him unconditional love until the end of his days. Of course, Bruno’s favorite teddy bear was adopted with him in the package.

Around the same time, it emerged that the pit bull was suffering from heart issues. Fortunately, his defect can be cured, and donations made by Bruno’s fans will help. The animal will remain at the Wake County SPCA during this time, and after recovery, it will finally go to a loving family that will provide the best of everything.

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