Bull Terrier | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Bull Terrier

    The Bull Terrier is an incredibly cute and funny dog, but only if he is properly bred and socialized early on. This dog needs a steady hand and an active lifestyle. If you don’t pay enough attention at this time, the dog may become aggressive in the future. But if you can give it away, you are guaranteed to be a devoted friend for life!

    The English Bull Terrier is a breed of dog known for its unique head shape and small triangular shaped ears. There are two variations of the breed: the Bull Terrier and the Miniature Bull Terrier. It was developed in Britain as a show and fighting dog by James Hinks. He is recognized as the white knight.

    Dog sheet Bull Terrier

    Bull Terrier photos

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    Distinctive features

    The Bull Terrier is a medium breed dog with a muscular and strong build. At the same time, females look more refined than males. Thus, their height at the withers is 53 and 56 cm respectively. A slight deviation from smaller (for females) or larger (for males) sides is acceptable.

    As for the mass of the animal, it averages 23-32 kg.


    Distinctive features

    • Head: The skull is rather tilted. The head is ovoid, low, powerful, elongated, profiled. The muzzle is lowered, the transition from forehead to muzzle is weak.
    • Jaws: The teeth are large, regular, very powerful. Tick-shaped bite, lower bite or “scissors”.
    • Ears: The ears are of medium size, triangular, fine, erect, close to each other.
    • Eyes: The eyes appear triangular due to the high, oblique landing. The color of the iris is dark brown or black.
    • Frame: The body is compact and well built. The neck is athletic, slightly lean, rather elongated with a slight curvature with pronounced skin. The chest is spacious with soft, rounded ribs. The back is muscular, flat and short, blending smoothly into a slightly sloping croup. The belly is visibly tucked in.
    • Limbs: The legs are straight, parallel, noticeably shortened. The paws are small, rounded with elastic pads and bent toes.
    • Coat: The hair is very short, shiny and hard. The undercoat is soft, but only appears in winter. Brindle, snow white, reddish brown, red, tricolor and black.

    Character and behavior

    The Bull Terrier is an aristocrat by nature and behaves with dignity as a representative of the upper class should.

    With insufficient socialization and encouragement of aggression from the owner, the animal, under the influence of combat instincts, turns into an “explosive mix”. With the correct upbringing – the personification of peaceful and joyful positive.

    The Bull Terrier perceives prolonged loneliness extremely negatively, begins to whine incessantly, can completely break the front door.

    He is not very suitable as a guardian, because the breed has no innate hostility towards a person, even towards a stranger. However, with obvious danger to the owner, he instantly turns into a brave defender.

    With the children

    They treat children well, but very small children and infants are perceived with difficulty, because children of this age shout a lot and still do not know how to behave with a dog, trying to put their finger in their eyes, ears or mouth. They have a normal level of intelligence, while they are very capable students and all their qualities lend themselves to development, including the mind.

    With other animals

    It does not accept other animals. The Bull Terrier is characterized by a desire for domination, so he absolutely does not want to share the attention of the master with a cat or other living creatures.


    On average, bull terrier dogs live 12 to 14 years. In general, these dogs are quite strong, hardy and healthy, but there are diseases characteristic of bull terriers:

    • Mitral dysplasia;
    • Tendency to allergies;
    • Deafness of a congenital nature;
    • Elbow and hip joint dysplasia;
    • Dislocation of the patella (patella);
    • Malignant tumors;
    • Lack of zinc.


    The Bull Terrier dog needs to be brushed once a week, and that is enough. The nails are usually cut three times a month, the animal is bathed once or twice a year. Always make sure your pet’s eyes and ears are clean. In cold weather, dress your dog in overalls for a walk.

    Living conditions

    For a bull terrier, living in a house is optimal than in an apartment. The presence of a spacious yard adjoining the house allows the animal to run and play freely, draining excess energy.


    The Bull Terrier is an active breed that requires a fair amount of exercise, both free running and jogging.

    An hour of daily exercise should be considered the minimum required, although these dogs accept a higher level of activity.

    Fun facts

    • There are two types of Bull Terrier: white and colored. They are shown in separate classes at dog shows, but are otherwise of the same breed.
    • Bull Terriers have appeared in hundreds of movies, from 101 Dalmatians to The Mask and The Wizard of Oz.
    • The only breed of dog with triangular eyes recognized to date is the bull terrier.
    • Famous Canadian hockey coach and hockey commentator Don Cherry received a bull terrier as a gift from the 1970s Boston Bruins. A dog named Blue became a celebrity in Canada.
    • President Theodore Roosevelt owned a bull terrier named Pete.
    • Bull Terriers don’t bark unless there’s a good reason. So be careful if your pet barks.

    History of the breed

    A bull terrier is a breed of dog that appeared in the second half of the 19th century in Britain by crossing two other breeds – a bulldog and an English White Terrier. The name of the breed itself is taken from the English language and consists of two words – bull (bull) and terrier (terrier).

    Breeders aimed to create a special breed, the representatives of which would have the fearlessness and ingenuity of the terrier, combined with the power, endurance and grip of the bulldog. And they succeeded, but not immediately.

    The first representatives of the breed were much smaller than modern bull terriers. The weight of some individuals did not exceed 2-4 kg. However, over time, breeders bred animals, the weight of which was already more impressive – 22-30 kg. They can be considered the closest to modern bull terriers. Dog breeders achieved their goal – they obtained a breed that combines the best physiological qualities and properties of characters of a terrier and a bulldog.

    He is an English breeder named James Hinks who deserves to be thanked for his special contribution to the breed, which he has brought to perfection. In order to obtain sturdy, powerful and quick-witted dogs, Hinks used representatives of the dog breed that has gone extinct to this day – white English terriers, as well as white bulldogs.

    Born in the 19th century, the breed quickly gained popularity, especially among urban males. Soon Americans became interested in bull terriers. At the beginning of the last century, it was they who contributed to the independent recognition of bull terriers as a breed of dogs.

    Then some breeders wanted to breed colorful animals. And they did. In 1936, multi-colored bull terriers were recognized by the World Cynological Association as a separate breed. However, today in some circles such dogs are no less popular than in 19th-century England.

    The Bull Terrier is not the best option for protection, as it rarely shows aggression, even towards strangers.


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