Touching images of sad crying cats can touch anyone. But the cat in the photo may not be tender at all, because eye secretions sometimes signal problems in the body. Cat tears can have many causes. A four-legged friend will be able to cope with something on his own, in some cases he will need the help of the owner, and sometimes it is simply impossible to do without consulting a veterinarian and solving everything at home House.
Can cats cry?
It is important to understand that cats do not express their emotions in a “human” way. They don’t cry out of sadness or joy. Sometimes the owners notice that at the moments of experience the fluffy begins to cry. However, scientists have yet to identify a connection between a cat’s emotions and tears. If the cat is crying, it may be a sign of illness or intense and prolonged stress.
Of course, furry friends can get emotional. Animals are irritated, happy, offended or angry. Stressful situations, for example, conflicts with the owner, have a negative impact on the psyche. You can understand that a pet is sad if it:
- Hides under the bed, avoids contact;
- Becomes lethargic, shows no interest in anything;
- Eats badly or even refuses to eat;
- Emits mournful sounds and cries;
- Hisses, attacks owners and other animals.
“Crying” cats are not always a response to happy or sad events. This is how the body reacts to irritation or dryness of the eye membrane. Tears nourish the cornea and conjunctiva with useful substances, and also remove annoying foreign particles from their surface.
Causes of tears
Cat tears can occur for physiological reasons or due to health issues. It is sometimes a reaction to an external irritant: a hair or a speck of dust has entered the eye. A cat may also cry due to an injury to the iris, conjunctivitis, or another eye condition. If you notice tears on the muzzle, examine the eyes first, then rinse them gently and, if necessary, contact your veterinarian.
It also happens that the cat meows and cries at the same time in an attempt to attract the attention of the owner. There are several reasons for this behavior. For example, kittens cry and cry plaintively when separated from their mother or asking for food.
During puberty, profuse tears are one of the signs of changes in the body, along with loud cries, active behavior and fighting for territory. The kitten’s head at this time increases, and at the same time the tear ducts expand. A little later, they lengthen to normal sizes, and the discharge from the eyes no longer bothers the cat so often. Adult cats can cry in the same way and beg for treats or water: then the animal will most likely lead you to the bowl or stare pointedly at the bag of food.
Other physiological causes are also harmless. For example, in almost all cats, “tears” accumulate after sleeping. Discharge may appear due to the mobility of the cat – stretching, playing or jumping, but it seems that the animal has just cried. At such times, the mucous membranes work more actively, and there is no reason for concern. And furry animals, like people, can cry from the smell of onions. Such tears do not signal danger, and the cat will wash them off on its own. You can help your pet and gently wipe away the discharge with a tissue.
But in some cases, the cat, with the help of tears and meows, signals that it is in pain. It is important that the owner does not miss these signals and helps the animal in time. If the tears flow too long and are accompanied by other symptoms, the cat should be taken to a specialist. In addition to conjunctivitis and physical injuries, the following diseases can be found in a pet:
- Allergy;
- Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
- Worms;
- Endocrine disorders;
- Diseases of the digestive system;
- Ophthalmological problems: cataract, glaucoma, keratitis, torsion of the eyelid.
In all cases, the treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian. The sooner you can determine why the fluffy is crying and make an accurate diagnosis, the less the animal’s body will suffer.
Characteristics of the breed
Sometimes profuse tearing is associated with the characteristics of cat breeds. For example, in exotic, Persian, British and Scottish breeds, the skull is arranged in a particular way: the muzzle is short and slightly flattened. Because of this, their tear ducts and nasal passages are shorter than those of other pets, and they “cry” even with mild irritation. It is important for owners of cats of these breeds to pay attention to this feature.
If the discharge is clear and scanty, there is no need to worry. Just take good care of your pet’s eyes and rinse them at least once a day. Regular procedures are necessary so that the tears do not lead to the growth of bacteria. In addition, the secretions can change the color of facial hair and cause itching and irritation if not removed in time.
Eye care should be started in infancy, as soon as the kitten opens them. While the animal is small, be sure to remove all scabs and discharge. As the cat ages, it begins to take care of it on its own. But if you have a Scottish, Persian, or just a lazy cat of any breed that doesn’t want to wash its face, it may need some help from the owner.
For washing, specialized preparations and folk remedies are used. Diluted decoctions can be prepared on the basis of tea or herbs: chamomile, St. John’s wort, calendula. Some available drugstore products will also help with the treatment:
- 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
- Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine 0.01%;
- Weakly concentrated solution of furacilin 0.02%.
How to calm a cat?
You made sure the fluffy didn’t get sick, but he’s still crying. It is also possible: it means that the cat is very stressed and thus informs you of a discomfort. Think about what makes your cat worry and cry. Perhaps the house is too noisy or the animal is often disturbed by children or other animals (most often dogs). It’s also important to see if your furry friend sleeps long enough and gets enough attention.
Most often, the causes of feline experiences are the following factors:
- The appearance of a child;
- Renovation of house, noise in a neighboring apartment or in the entrance;
- Unusual smell;
- Travel and transfers;
- Visit a veterinary clinic;
- Fireworks or thunder;
- Loss of offspring;
- Unknown animals.
To make the cat feel calm, equip it with a quiet corner, where it will be safe, sleep and rest from external stimuli. If the cat is not afraid of tactile contact, take it in your arms, stroke it and calm it down. Give your pet enough attention: play, communicate, help distract him. Be sure to watch his reaction. Has the hairy really calmed down? Does he like to sit on his hands or is he trying to escape? What sounds does it make?
Cats perfectly feel the intonation and emotions of the owner. If you speak to your ponytail in a soothing, friendly tone, it will be less nervous. Try to talk to the cat as often as possible so that it gets used to your voice and reacts to it.
It also happens that a pet, on the contrary, needs to be alone. Forcibly squeezing a cat and climbing up to it with toys is not worth it. The animal will get angry and only feel more uncomfortable. Your cat is not in contact? Then leave it in a safe and comfortable place and make sure that no one disturbs or annoys the animal even more.
When to contact the veterinarian?
If the cat’s eyes are watery for a long time, and the usual cleaning does not help, the animal should be shown to a specialist. You can not hesitate if the animal constantly squints and rubs its face with its paw. Most likely, he feels discomfort due to an infection, and in the future his eyes may become inflamed and infected.
When a cat is worried about stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea, it may also cry and cry plaintively. Make sure your pet visits the tray regularly. Clean cats can meow not only because of pain. They therefore warn the owner that they will have to relieve themselves in the wrong place.
Another alarming sign is dirty hair and a messy appearance. If the animal itself does not maintain hygiene, does not wash, secretions accumulate on the muzzle – it is definitely worth showing it to a specialist.
After confirmation of the diagnosis, the cat will be prescribed treatment. Depending on the type of disease, the veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics, antivirals, anthelmintics, anti-inflammatories, antihistamines or other medications. You just need to follow the recommendations and control the treatment.
Frequently asked Questions
How do you know if a cat is crying?
Do cats cry – pathology or emotional manifestation?
Cats don’t cry in the form of tears, but in the form of meows. A loud, heartbreaking cry indicates the animalโs misfortune. If a cat is sad, it may meow pitifully. Also, the fact that the animal has “soul-scratching cats” can be indicated by the silent opening and closing of its mouth.
How do you know if your cat is suffering?
Lack of desire to play, as well as a general change in the external state – lethargy, inactivity or, conversely, increased activity, anxiety can also be signs that the cat is suffering. In any case, if you notice strong changes in the animal’s behavior, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Why does a cat cry loudly?
To attract attention, the animal shouts loudly and sharply or, on the contrary, makes sounds. It all depends on the nature and urgency of the request. Cats usually remind you that it’s time to eat. Clean breeds may โaskโ to replace the litter in the box.
What color are cats’ tears?
The animal’s body fights the cause by producing more tears. Tear fluid contains porphorin, an element that, when oxidized in reaction with oxygen, acquires a reddish-brown tint.
What does a cat do when it is in pain?
Frequent meowing. Cats begin to meow loudly to signal that they are in pain. This happens when you touch an animal while it is doing its business or for no external reason; unusual pose.
How does a cat sleep when it is sick?
A healthy animal rests or sleeps in a relaxed position with its torso upright and limbs straight. A sick cat assumes a forced position that helps reduce pain or any discomfort.