Jacque has had to go through great suffering due to the abandonment of the people he has loved the most in his life. One of the reasons for leaving him at the shelter was his cute personality.
Jacque is a cat who was abandoned in a shelter by the people he loved most in the world and just because he was “too cute” and constantly seeking attention. When Jacque was delivered to the Michigan Cat Rescue shelter, he was three years old and all of his rescuers wanted to find him a home that would give him all the love he needed.
This little boy was so confused by his sudden abandonment, he was distraught, and he ended up getting really sick.
Nancy Hutchinson, founder and president of Michigan Cat Rescue said:
“He did not eat for a few days. I think he was confused and upset by the rejection. Stress can really take its toll, not just on people, but on animals, and it destroyed his immune system. He had a horrible cold; His eyes were swollen and infected.”

Unfortunately, this is not the only episode of abandonment that Jacques has had to live, in May 2016 when he was 7 months old, his first adoptive father moved in and decided not to take him with him, according to The Dodo.
Nancy said:
“He was found in a house that was abandoned. The person who had it left it there and didn’t care. He was found by the real estate agent and taken to the shelter. This happens very often, sadly.”

He spent some time and no one seemed to want to adopt him, so he was put on the euthanasia list. But a visit from Nancy saved her life.
She said:
“I saw him in his cage and I felt so bad for him. I opened his cage andโฆ I sat on the floor with him for a while and he sat on my lap. I thought, ‘Wow. What a nice cat’.”

This woman decided to take the cute cat to Michigan Cat Rescue and there he managed to be adopted, by the last person who abandoned him.
Nancy said:
“After about a year, she said that she didn’t want him anymore. ‘He’s constantly trying to sit on my lap, I just can’t take it anymore. I’ll have to give it back to you, this is not what I signed up for.”
The shelter decided to share the story of the cuddly Jacques on its Facebook page, hoping to find a perfect home for him and the requests were swift. No one could believe that a ct like Jacques was abandoned for such an absurd reason.

This publication received more than 2,600 likes and 1,200 comments. Everyone was supporting this cuddly cat and hoping that a suitable family for him would give her the opportunity to be a part of his home.
Cat was dumped for being “too cute”
Fortunately, Liz Myziuk appeared in Jacque’s life to change it completely. This woman knew immediately that adopting it would be a very good decision. A couple of weeks after filing the adoption application she was given the news that she would be taking Jacque to her home.

Nancy said:
“We met with Liz and her husband at one of our veterinary hospitals, and we put them in a room together. I let him out of the cage, and he walked around a bit. Then they picked him up and put him on his lap and he stayed there. They were crying and very happy, they were so in love with him.”
“I left him in the room with them and they came out and said, ‘We want to give him a home. We want to take it. ‘ Then I started crying. He was so, so happy. I think Jacque was relieved too. I think he knew that he finally had the happy ending of him. “

Michigan Cat Rescue said:
“Jacque is loved, pampered and, he finally finds himself in his home forever with Liz and her family. We are very happy for him.”
After everything that happened, Jacque finally found the right place for him and was even given a new name, Giuseppe, according to Love Meow.

Liz said:
He is doing very well and we love him very much. He has a furry brother who is a bit older and has become very close.
For her part, Nancy said:
“We were so upset when the owner of it gave it back to us. She was so heartbroken for him, and I can tell that hurt him too. So finding him the perfect home is just a beautiful, beautiful thing. He makes me cry because that is why we do all this and that is why we fight every day just to save their lives so that they have a good and happy life.”
Images: Facebook / Michigan Cat Rescue
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