A Cat Asks A Woman For Help So That Her Kittens Have A Better Life

Cat approaches a woman

A cute homeless cat who needed a little help approaches a woman in order to change the lives of her little kittens.

The homeless cat suddenly appeared in the yard asking for food, Sandy, the owner of the house, noticed her belly and suspected that she was pregnant. She decided to open the door for him and the kitten entered satisfied in order to receive the help she needed so much at that moment.

After a few days, Sandy was surprised when the homeless kitten returned, but this time she didn’t return alone, she was accompanied by four adorable kittens.

The woman felt the need to help them and, hoping they would receive better care, contacted the local rescue centre, Jin Bottle Babies.

A cat approaches a woman for help

Cat approaches asking for help

The shelter did not hesitate to answer the call and Jen, a volunteer from the rescue center, decided to take the whole feline family under her protection and care.

cat approaches woman asking for help

Jen told Love Meow:

When I went to pick them up, the mom cat approached me for chin scratches.

Hunter and Jade

Jade, as the kitten was called, took a while to adjust to her new foster home, but she was happy to be petted. Hunter, the biggest kitten of them all, was the bravest, most mischievous, loud and the one who took the most risks in order to have new adventures in the house.

naughty hunter

Over time, Hunter became an expert adventurer who had mastered the art of escape; no corral could prevent his escape. Jade was an exemplary mother and watched over what her kittens were doing, in addition, she satisfied their needs, bathed them and showered them with love.

jade resting

After enjoying life indoors, Jade got used to the comfort, but she was very cautious, even still sleeping on the floor. Gradually, her confidence grew and she did whatever she wanted in her house, even Hunter became her shadow and tried to play her.

Hunter playing with Jade

When they were ready for adoption, Jen planned that Jade could be adopted with one of her kittens so she would always have a companion.

Jenn added:

Hunter’s favorite toy is Jade’s tail. I always try to send kittens home with their favorite toy if possible, and in that case Hunter would get his wish.

Jade adopted with Hunter

Soon the right family arrived for Jade and her son Hunter, they fell in love with them and quickly welcomed them into their home. The initial idea with the remaining four kittens was to be able to send them to their new home as a couple, but Jen never thought her plan would change.

adorable kittens brothers

It turns out that for life reasons, the four kittens were meant to be together and would continue to enjoy their new life in a beautiful home.

Jenn commented:

I was hoping the first approved adopter would choose one of the pairs for me. I never imagined the adopter would say; Four, please!

four kittens adopted

This adoption became the first for the shelter to include four adopted members, all of whom were happy to help the kittens.

Since living on the streets, these kitties have always had the chance to overcome all the obstacles that have come their way in life.

jade new life

Fortunately, Jade always knew who to turn to when she needed help, and now everyone can enjoy a forever home.

Images: Instagram/ jade_and_liam


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