This Elderly Cat Decides To Take His Toys On His Adventures

cat carries toys adventures

Pixie is 12 years old and loves going on adventures with her stuffed animals. He is undoubtedly a very sweet and affectionate kitten.

Pixie is a beautiful 12-year-old kitten from the UK who is known to be very affectionate not only for her adoptive mother, Beth Wilson, but also for her stuffed animals.

She’s always interested in what’s going on around her, likes to explore, and seems to want to give her toys that spirit of adventure. She also likes to lie on her back in the garden with one of her favorite cuddly companions.

At other times, Pixie wants something much more exciting and brings with her a little lion or a stuffed kitten that looks a lot like her.

The cat takes its toys on small excursions

cat with stuffed toy

Beth told The Dodo:

If she realizes I’m watching her, she stops and puts the toy down.

cat with her teddy rests

But Beth still manages to take pictures of Pixie without her noticing.

cat and her teddy

The woman also explains that in the summer Pixie’s favorite activity is to take them to the garden, she also takes them on excursions, or sometimes they stay in the greenhouse.

cat and her stuffed toys

Beth said:

If I put a blanket on the grass to sit on, she puts toys on it.

cat in grass

In winter, Pixie stays home with many of her stuffed animals. Once a week, a cleaning person comes to visit her house and Pixie pays close attention to everything that happens with her toys.

Beth said:

She puts all the toys back in the toy box. As soon as the housekeeper leaves, she takes several out of the box and puts them around the house.

cat with her teddy in the garden

Pixie certainly goes on great adventures with her inanimate friends and also positively impacts everyone around her.

This cat has completely changed the life of her adoptive mother, she is always by her side to take care of her and encourage her.

pixie cat

If their toys could smell, they would surely be as happy to have Pixie in their lives as Beth.

Images: Twitter / Beth Wilson


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