Cat With Deformed Legs Lives Full Life Thanks To Rescuers

cat deformity legs lives full life

Tater tot is a beautiful cat who suffers from radial hypoplasia, a condition that causes a genetic deformity that makes the feline’s front legs abnormally short, causing the cat’s posture when perched on its hindquarters to look like a kangaroo or a squirrel.

Little Tater Tot has arrived in foster care with Jacqueline, owner of Friends for Life Rescue Network, Los Angeles (FFLRN). Unfortunately, the feline’s legs were “extremely underdeveloped”, preventing full mobility.

The problem isn’t fixable, but that doesn’t mean Tater Tot can’t have a happy life with proper veterinary care and the right family to take care of his special needs.

A cat with a deformity in its legs is living the best life

cat deformity legs lives full life

The cat came from a breeder who was going to euthanize him after being advised by a veterinarian because of his mutation, but fortunately they decided to entrust him to the FFLRN.

cat deformity legs lives full life

Thanks to his rescuers, the cat reached his forever home, where he would share with Roo, another feline in the same condition, and with Venus, the famous chimera cat.

cat deformity legs lives full life

At only four months old, Tater Tot is now part of a family that knows his disease well and where he will have a happy life and will be treated as every cat deserves.

cat deformity legs lives full life

Since then, Tater Tot has become the most pampered and loving cat, acting as a watchdog, in a home where dogs seem to act more like cats.

cat deformity legs lives full life

The owners of Tater Tot shared on Facebook:

“…Instead of being a companion cat, I’m more like a guard dog. I position myself at home where I feel like I can watch over everyone and be a protector. At night, instead of sleeping in my bed, I sleep in the hallway so I can watch all the rooms. I don’t mind being picked up and carried.”

cat deformity legs lives full life

Of course, when they introduced Roo and Tater Tot, they immediately became inseparable friends. Although both kittens have radial hypoplasia, they have no problem playing, running and even climbing despite their “special needs”, according to the rescuers on Facebook.

The cat is also polydactylous, with huge paws and extra toes, which makes it even more adorable.

cat deformity legs lives full life

Thanks to his rescuers, Tater Tot has the life he deserves and a family that makes him very happy.

You can follow their adventures on Facebook and Instagram.

Images: Facebook / Totally Tater

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