5 Cat Habits Owners Ignore

    cat habits owners ignore

    Our purring pets often surprise us by performing unusual actions. The owners immediately rush to analyze and sort out what this would mean, and very often hit the sky with their finger. Pets Feed reveals what some of the cat’s actions really mean.

    Defecate in the wrong place

    Usually, cats have a special box with sand or sawdust, where they can do their toilet chores. If the owner allows the pet to walk, the cat most often does it outside the house. And sometimes cats seem to relieve themselves especially outside the tray, for example, in the corner of the room or even in the middle.

    This action should never be ignored, because in fact the cat is not trying to annoy the owner, but the reason for this is a health problem.

    However, another reason may be stress – if you have recently moved into a new house or a new tenant – a child or another pet – has appeared in the house. Stress also affects the grooming habits of cats.

    If your animal walks past the board, there is always an explanation for it. If it’s not external factors, be sure to contact your veterinarian to rule out any health concerns.

    Attack on first contact with belly

    Both large and small cats love to lie on their backs and arch their backs in every possible way as the owner scratches and strokes their tummy. Some begin to growl, expressing their satisfaction, while others immediately grab the owner’s hand with their paws, bite it and push it with their hind paws, showing that it is better not to touch their belly.

    In fact, the cat’s belly is a very sensitive place, which is why some animals find the touch too awkward and therefore try to “get rid” of the owner’s hand as quickly as possible.

    However, even if the cat does not like having its belly touched, some of them still flatten on the ground, opening their cherished abdomen – this does not mean that the cat is waiting for its belly to be patted, but it is an expression of trust in a person. Many animals protect their belly because it is the most vulnerable part of the body.

    Spread the litter

    Almost all owners know what the litter box and everything around it looks like after the cat has pooped in it. Scattered sand or putty is an integral part of going to the toilet. Cats usually shovel sand to one side to bury their droppings deeper, and sometimes the mound of sand is so big that it overflows the edge.

    This is the instinctive behavior of cats – this is how they behave in the wild: after digging a hole, defecate there, then bury them carefully.

    If the cat does not defiantly bury its “waste”, it shows who is the boss of the house (hint: not a person). The feces and their smell indicate that an animal is nearby, and in our case, it indicates that the cat is not afraid of being discovered.

    Actively wash

    If you count the number of hours a day that our cats devote to their own hygiene, this activity will take second place after sleep. But cats do not lick themselves because they are dirty, but because they need to get rid of fallen hair, foreign or unpleasant odors.

    Owners should not worry that the cat washes maniacally, but vice versa – if he does not.

    Bring prey

    Cats allowed to roam the streets sometimes bring prey to their owners – mice, small birds, beetles. Most often, cats do this when they want to show that they are good hunters or when they think that the owners do not know how to hunt and cannot feed themselves. Cats therefore also have to take care of the food of humans. This is how animals take care of their masters.

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