Cats can have different personalities, but the cat in today’s story really wins the exuberant feline of the year award, or so say the 5 times he was sent back to the shelter, because the people who tried to adopt him, they couldn’t with his personality.
Meet James Bean
While it’s hard to believe he was sent back to the shelter 5 times, it’s true. The little feline was marked with many things, such as: unruly, too demanding and even “bad cat”. All for the people who tried to give him a foster home.
” He had been sent back to the shelter five times for being “too demanding””. Commented one of the people who brought him back to the shelter.

But a woman came who wanted to give him another chance
The woman who adopted him as ncarbell
According to the user, she was a little nervous after being told the cat had been back to the shelter 5 times, so she wasn’t sure if this was going to be the sixth time, or if the cat would just stay home.

James began to feel comfortable at home
The days passed and the feline began to feel at home, so much so that the girl who took him to his new home did not quite understand why he had been sent away 5 times. He was an adorable kitty who loved having his tummy scratched and was also affectionate.

Like a good cat loves boxes
Within days, his owner discovered that James liked all the boxes that went in the trash. So much so that when he saw them, he attacked them and started playing for hours with all the boxes in the house.
“He discovered that there is nothing more satisfying than hiding in a box or in the basket.” “He really likes it,” said its new owner.

He had found a new home
Days, weeks and even two years passed, for her new owner to realize that she had a new pet ready and ready to spend the rest of her life with her new human.
We don’t know what happened in the last homes the cat was in, but we can assure you that now he will be living in his new home full of love and good times.
“I adopted him from a shelter. Two years later he is the most affectionate cat I have ever had.”

A nice story !
Images: reddit / ncarbell