The Cat Waits Outside The Neighbor’s Door Until His Best Friend Comes Out To Play

cat wait outside door neighbor best friend come out play

For years, Ziggy, a 14-year-old cat, proudly walked the halls of his apartment building. He loves to sniff each door as if on patrol. One day, while he was doing this, he and his mother realized that a new tenant had moved in!

Dina Massery, Ziggy’s mother, told The Dodo:

“We found out that my neighbor Erin had had a cat (Jude) a few months earlier. I only knew because Ziggy kept sniffling at the door and meowing, then I started hearing Jude sing at through the door for Ziggy.”

The cat waits in front of the neighbor’s door

cat wait outside door neighbor best friend come out play

Ziggy never missed an opportunity to say hello to Jude as he walked past his door. Eager to get to know each other, Dina and her neighbor made the wise decision to introduce them slowly, giving Ziggy and Jude plenty of time to adjust to each other.

At first, neither of them understood what their relationship meant to the other. But now they are very close and Ziggy eagerly asks Jude’s company to play whenever he gets the chance.

Ziggy’s dating ritual with Jude is one of hilarity and mayhem. He yells for his mother to open the door, then drops down outside Jude’s apartment screaming and clawing until he finally runs away. It may be overkill, but it works, and Ziggy and Jude wouldn’t do it any other way! !

Dina says:

“Jude sometimes comes to our door asking Ziggy to come out and play, but usually it’s Ziggy yelling at my door to be let in the hallway to ask Jude out. We usually let them out together a few times a week.โ€

cat wait outside door neighbor best friend come out play

Play dates are always full of life, providing lots of fun for both families.

Ziggy’s mother recalls:

โ€œIn the past two weeks, [Jude] has gotten under the back corner of my bed four times, I think. It’s fun and stressful. The first time it happened, we scared half of our apartment building because it was 10:30 at night and we were both screaming and laughing at the chaos because as we tried to get Jude out from under my bed, Ziggy quickly entered the room Erin’s door while we We were distracted and he opened it with his head and casually walked in as if the place belonged to him. It was chaotic.”

cat wait outside door neighbor best friend come out play

Ziggy and Jude are thrilled to find out they live in the same neighborhood, and their mothers seem happy for them as well. As long as this is the case, these two will continue to explore each other’s company!

Images: Dina Massery

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