Kathryn, a newly born cat, was found in an empty apartment in South Africa. When the new tenants arrived, they immediately called Langebaan Animal Care, a local rescue center, for help. But unfortunately, it was too late to save Kathryn’s newborn babies.
Izelle Marallich, president of Langebaan Animal Care, welcomed the mother cat who immediately began begging for love, the one she had lost with her kittens.
According to Izelle, Kathryn was extremely affectionate with everyone and was not afraid of any of her foster dogs. She walked towards them looking for affection.
Rescued cat adopts litter of orphaned puppies
She told The Dodo:
“She had to sleep with a person and hold them. It was like she couldn’t get enough love. »
Even with her adoptive family, Kathryn was still missing something.
Izel said:
“She was very restless and crying looking for her babies which was heartbreaking. »
Fortunately, Kathryn’s life changed when a litter of orphaned puppies arrived home. Immediately, the loving kitten developed a bond with the puppies, calling them whenever they cried for food. She tried to calm the puppies by licking them.
Izel said:
“At first they were a bit confused and walked away from her, but she was persistent and continued to care for them. They started to get used to her licking them and she just lay down with them and didn’t leave her. »
The puppies quickly got used to Kathryn and she nursed them. From that moment, Kathryn felt whole again.
The cat was no longer agitated and stopped crying, Kathryn devoted all her time to caring for her adopted puppies. She groomed them, slept with them, and they let her take care of them whenever she wanted. They were happy and she was happy!
Izel said:
“She was very protective of them and got agitated when she came out of the park and they walked away from her. She followed them and called them all the time and was happy once they came back to her. I had never seen such a devoted and loving mother. She never left him day and night! »
The puppies have now found a forever home, and Kathryn has two new babies to care for: a pair of orphaned kittens found abandoned in a field. Thanks to Kathryn, newborn kittens have a new breath of life.
Izelle feels very lucky to have found such a wonderful cat, she says:
“Many people are interested in adopting her, but for now she will stay with us and continue to be a loving and caring mother to orphaned animals. »
Kathryn shows us that no matter the animal, a mother’s love knows no bounds.
To help other homeless animals like Kathryn get a second chance, you can donate to Langebaan Animal Care.
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