Many people refuse cats for only one reason – with their appearance, wool can be found not only on clothes, but also in a plate with food. Breeders have been working on this problem for many years, and as a result, cat breeds have appeared that practically do not shed.

Outwardly, the Balinese cat is similar to the Siamese, since it is its descendant. Its coat is thin and silky, of medium length. This cat has no undercoat. To prevent the pet from shedding, it needs to be combed out every other day using a special brush. Water procedures should also be regular, with which problems usually do not arise, because the Balinese calmly react to them.

The burmese cat breed is one of the five most popular in the world. Love for these animals is due not only to their aristocratic appearance, but also to the fact that they practically do not shed. This is made possible by the lack of undercoat. However, the “aristocrat” still needs to be thoroughly combed out every 7 days with a rubber brush or furminator.
Devon rex

This breed is recommended for allergy sufferers. It is noteworthy that these cats not only do not shed, but also do not emit any unpleasant odors. Their coat is short. But Devon Rex cats need regular water treatments, as excessive greasy secretions make their coat sticky.
Donskoy cat – Don Sphynx

Don Sphynxes are completely hairless. Thanks to this, they do not fade, however, due to this feature, difficulties in care may arise. For example, brown sweat appears on the skin every day, which must be removed with a damp soft cloth. Sweating can increase due to improper diet, so you need to carefully monitor the pet’s diet. You also need to bathe these cats more often – once a week. In addition, the Don Sphynx can emit a specific smell, which may not be to everyone’s liking.
Cornish Rex

Representatives of the breed have a short, silky, wavy coat that looks like astrakhan fur. Despite the fact that their body is completely covered with hair, Cornish Rex do not sweat, do not emit unpleasant odors and do not cause allergies. To maintain these properties, it is recommended to bathe the animal twice a month using a special shampoo.
Mekong Bobtail

All attention is drawn to the tail of this unusual breed. The Mekon Bobtail cannot be called tailless, because they have a tail. It’s just short, with unusual curves and kinks. This breed is also unique in that it practically does not shed, thanks to the almost completely absent undercoat. The bobtail should be combed once a week.
Oriental Shorthair

This breed comes from the Siamese cat, so it took over some of its properties. This also applies to hair loss. Orientals can be short or long haired. However, both in the first and in the second case, it is shiny and fits snugly to the body. Regular brushing with a rubber glove will help prevent shedding and maintain a healthy coat.
Peterbald cat

This cat is completely hairless, which makes its skin look like a rubbery surface. Because of this, the Peterbald cat is very sensitive to the sun, so it must be protected from exposure to sunlight.

The Siamese cat does not shed because it has no undercoat. Thanks to this, grooming of the coat is greatly simplified and the hairs do not roll into tangles. In order to save the Siamese cat from molting, you need to thoroughly comb it out once a week for 15 minutes with a special brush.
In addition, you need to prevent your pet from getting into a stressful situation, for example, transferring the cat to other hands, even during your long absence. This can lead to depression and severe shedding.
Sphynx cat

Representatives of this breed are almost completely hairless. This feature is the result of a mutation that geneticists have deduced into a pattern. Some individuals may be born with hair, but completely lose it by the age of two.
The Sphynx cat has two subspecies: naked – do not even have an undercoat, but in the colder season they can grow sparse hairs of medium length; flock or velor – have a soft-touch fluff on the whole body or in certain areas.