How Old Is A Cat In Terms Of Human Age?

As you know, the age of the cat and the Man does not coincide: a one-year-old cat by human standards is already a completely independent member of society who does not need parental care. Animals grow up faster than we do. And, although we are very different and it is not possible to draw exact parallels, we will want to know how to approximately translate feline months and years into humans and understand how many years a pet actually has?

There are different formulas for establishing an approximate ratio between the age of a cat and that of a person. However, using them, it is important to remember that all these calculations are approximate. The actual age of an animal depends on many factors, such as the breed, genetics and health of the animal.

Formula for calculating the age of the cat

So, to calculate the age of your cat, use the following formula: N = 24 + (n โ€“ 2) x 4. Here, n is the current age of the animal, from which 2 years are subtracted, equal to 24 human years.

Accordingly, if the cat is 8 years old, the calculations will look like this: N = 24 + (8-2) x 4. So, N = 48 years old.

This isn’t the only way to translate feline years into human years. For example, some experts are convinced that during the first five years of life, each year lived by a cat is equal to 7 human years, with 6-12 โ€“ 4 human years, and after 12 โ€“ 3 years. Thus, the eight-year-old cat is the same as the 47-year-old man.

Calculation example:

  • Age of 5 years old: 35 years old
  • Age of 6 years: 4 years + 35 years = 39 years
  • Age of 7 years: 4 years + 39 years = 43 years
  • Age of 8 years: 4 years + 43 years = 47 years

Since there is no strict scientific correspondence, there are other points of view. For example, sometimes, to the first year of a kitten’s life, 15 years are added, that is, a one-year-old kitten is a 15-year-old “human child”. The second year is added for 10 years, then for 4 years for each year of the animal’s life. As a result, a two-year-old cat can be compared with a 25-year-old man.

Here is a table that allows you to approximately compare the feline and human age.

Cat ageHuman ageCat ageHuman age
1 month6 months10 years60 years
3 months2 years11 years64 years
6 months10 ร  12 years12 years67-68 years
1 years15-18 years13 years70 years
2 years24-25 years14 years72 years
3 years32-33 years15 years75 years
4 years35 years16 years76 years
5 years40 years17 years78 years
6 years42-43 years18 years83 years
7 years46 years19 years91 years
8 years50 years20 years100 years
9 years55 years  

Average life expectancy of cats

Every owner wants to be near his pet for as long as possible. We are all concerned about the question: How long does a cat live?

On average, cats live 15, and sometimes 20 years. Their life expectancy depends on several factors. In particular, from the breed. Centenarians are American Shorthair cats, Thai cats and Siamese cats, which often celebrate their 20th anniversary. A little less live on average Chantilly-Tiffany cats โ€“ 18 years old, Kurilian bobtail cats and Maine Coons-16. But the average life expectancy of a cat of the Snowshoe breed is less than 11 years. Domestic cats without a breed can live up to 25 years.

It is also important to know what lifestyle the animal leads. Passive animals live less than active and curious animals. In addition, the cat’s lifespan is affected by the quality of food and its psychological state. It is important that the caring owner remembers this.

Famous cats-centenarians

The “exploits” of some century-old cats have entered the Guinness Book of Records. For example, a resident of the state of Texas, the cat Krim Puff, lived for 38 years and 3 days, becoming the oldest cat in the world in 2010. The host, Jake Perry, put him on an unusual diet: the diet included eggs, asparagus, bacon, broccoli and coffee with cream. In addition, periodically the cat drank a pipette of red wine.

It is not excluded that the secret of Puff’s longevity is in a special diet, but his case is rather an exception to the rules. Veterinarians in no case recommend putting a pet on such a diet: it is better to leave it to the owners, and the cat to choose quality food and interactive toys to stimulate its activity, and not to neglect routine examinations at the clinic.

The famous “old lady” of New Zealand is Sarah, a cat without race. She died in 2015 at the age of 33.5 years. In the UK, they know and remember the black cat Kitty, who had offspring at the age of 30, and died almost 32 years old.

Among the current centenarians, there is the Englishman Rabble, born in 1988, as well as the native of Tyumen Smoke, who is more than 25 years old.

Cat growth in stages

The life cycle of a cat can be divided into several stages. Consider each of them.

Early childhood

Duration – from birth to six months. In the first month of a cat’s life can be conditionally compared with a six-month-old child, but by the age of six months it is already a full-fledged “personality”, developed at the level of a 10-year-old human child. All this time, the kitten especially needs the attention and participation of a person.


This period lasts on average from 7 months to 2 years. The two-year-old animal has the consciousness of a 25-year-old man.


The wonderful period of a cat’s life, when he is curious and active, lasts from 3 to 6 years. At its end, the animal can be called mature: by human standards, it is already slightly over 40.


This period lasts from 7 to 12 years. At its end, the cat reaches 65-68 years of human age. From this moment on, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian regularly if you have not done this before.

Advanced age

This age includes cats over 12 years old. Elderly pets often face problems with teeth, wool, activity decreases. A 20-year-old cat is rightfully considered a long life, because he lived a whole human century.

How to determine the age of a cat by external signs?

There are also physiological signs that make it possible to determine the age of the cat. It is best to deal with this by a veterinarian.

In particular, look at the animal’s teeth. By 2 months, the kitten will have all the milk teeth โ€“ 26 pieces, which by the age of six months are completely replaced by roots. In an adult cat, the teeth are already 30.

By the second year 2, the incisors begin to be erased in the center. At the age of 3, in the absence of proper care, tartar appears for the first time. At 5 years old, the canines are washed, from 6 years old, the posterior incisors. From the age of 11, cats sometimes lose the incisors. By the age of 15, some cats completely lose their teeth. Is it worth saying that brushing your teeth from an early age 1-2 times a week with a special paste for animals will reduce the risk of such problems.

The eyes will also tell about the age of the cat. Young individuals have bright eyes, a mischievous look. With age, the eyes darken, pigment spots appear on the Iris.

Something about age will say and wool: the older the cat, the more gray hairs there are. However, this indicator is subjective.

The cat’s nutritional needs change with age. Responsible producers include in the range of food for kittens, for young adults, for older animals.

So, let’s summarize. Each animal is a personality and its lifespan depends on many factors. We can expand it. To do this, it is necessary to provide the animal with high-quality nutrition without overeating, comfortable living conditions without stress, conditions for active games. The cat should be regularly shown to the veterinarian, clean his ears and comb his wool, in time to prevent parasites with the help of special tools and make the necessary vaccinations.

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