The 5 Pillars of a Happy Cat: Experts List the Essential Care to Improve Your Pet’s Life

Keeping a cat happy and healthy is about more than just feeding them and providing them with a litter box. Cats, like humans, have emotional and physical needs that must be met in order for them to thrive.

Do you know how to recognize a happy cat? Or do you at least know how to make a cat happy? Just like us, cats need essential routine care that improves their well-being and quality of life. And, according to International Cat Care, a renowned institution in the field of cat care, there are 5 pillars that contribute to a happy cat. Want to find out what this care is? Come with us!

How do you know if your cat is happy?

Happy cats express this in different ways. Some cats are more shy, others are more transparent, but, in general, there are certain behaviors that are common to these animals when they are happy. One of them is the frequency of meals: if your pet eats cat food and snacks regularly, it means that he is happy.

The quality of sleep says a lot about how cats feel. If he sleeps and rests well, even during the day, there is nothing wrong with him. Other points to observe are the interaction with the environment and if it corresponds to the cat games offered.

What are the 5 pillars of a happy cat?

If you want to make your cat happy, it is important to know the 5 pillars that improve the well-being of your pet, such as:

  • Having a safe place
  • Offering appropriate resources and spaces to the animal;
  • Encouraging hunting games;
  • Having positive interactions with humans;
  • Respecting the sensitive sense of smell of the feline.

Next, we will tell you a little more about the importance of each of these points in your friend’s routine. Provide a safe place to keep cats happy

Safety is one of the main pillars for any pet to be satisfied and happy. To guarantee this, a tip is to invest in indoor breeding. Install protective screens on windows and anywhere you have access to the streets to prevent the kitten from going out unattended or escaping. At the same time, it is also important that the place functions as a kind of refuge for the animal, where the cat can hide and rest without being disturbed.

Provide appropriate resources and spaces for the cat

Food, hydration and basic hygiene resources are important points to make a cat happy. That is, you must offer quality cat food, in addition to including sachets and snacks in your routine. Drinkers and water points must also be available to the animal, as well as a cat litter box that is always clean and has a comfortable litter box.

In addition to these more basic precautions, the owner should also invest in environmental enrichment to keep cats happy! This includes the presence of recreational areas โ€” such as installing niches and shelves โ€”, resting areas โ€” such as hammocks, dens and hanging beds โ€” and scratching areas โ€” the famous cat scratching posts.

Provide the right resources and spaces for the cat

Food, hydration and basic hygiene resources are important points to keep a cat happy. In other words, you must offer quality cat food, in addition to including pouches and snacks in your routine. Drinkers and water points must also be available to the animal, as well as a cat litter box that is always clean and has a comfortable litter.

In addition to these more basic precautions, the owner should also invest in environmental enrichment to keep cats happy! This includes the presence of recreational areas โ€” such as installing niches and shelves โ€”, rest areas โ€” such as hammocks, dens and hanging beds โ€” and scratching areas โ€” the famous cat scratching posts.

Playing with predatory stimuli is synonymous with a happy cat

Despite domestication, several wild instincts have remained in feline behavior, such as the hunting instinct. These animals love to chase their prey, which is why various games are used to stimulate this instinct. Cat wands, for example, are excellent for strengthening the bond with your pet and, at the same time, making your cat happy. Ball toys with rattles, wind-up mice, tablet applications and even the “flying cat” are other interesting possibilities.

Positive human interactions also contribute to increased pet happiness

According to the Institution, when the owner has positive and consistent interactions with the kitten, it helps reduce stress and makes the animal happier and more cheerful. These interactions include petting the cat (whenever it wants, of course), but at the same time respecting its space and privacy. Positive associations with snacks and play in general are also on the list!

Respect the animal’s olfactory sensitivity if you want to please the cat

The feline sense of smell is quite sensitive. Felines have about 67 million olfactory cells, while humans only have 5 million. This is why it contains so many scents that cats don’t like, such as lavender, eucalyptus, and rosemary.

In addition to these herbs, some spicesโ€”like cloves and cinnamonโ€”and some fruitsโ€”like orange and tangerineโ€”are also unpleasant to the feline sense of smell. Itโ€™s important to respect this when living with your pet if you want to make your cat happy.

What do cats do when theyโ€™re happy?

A happy cat typically exhibits the following behaviors:

  • Purring
  • Kneading bread
  • Licking the ownerโ€™s nose
  • Lying face up
  • Rubbing against the owner
  • Slowly blinking at the owner

If your pet usually does all of these (or most of these), you can be sure that you have a happy cat at home! But remember: every kitty has their own way of expressing how they feel, which is why there may be other expressions of happiness in your petโ€”you just have to know them well to identify them.