Although cats are a domesticated species, they can easily do without human care and do not always show their feelings openly. So how do you know if your pet loves you?
Here are 7 ways a cat can show love to its owner.
1. The cat “bumps” into you with its forehead
This, perhaps, is far from the most obvious sign of love. However, in this way the cat demonstrates its affection for the owner and shows that it is ready to accept into its โpackโ.
In addition, cats rub their foreheads against objects and people to mark their territory. They have scent glands on their chin, cheeks, and forehead. In this way, the pet spreads its unique scent and shows that it considers you as a friend.
2. Establishes eye contact

Cats perceive eye contact with a stranger – be it another cat or a person – as a threat. If she looks into your eyes with pleasure, and especially if she blinks slowly at the same time, this means that she trusts you and loves you.
3. Shows belly
This is often considered the highest sign of trust for a cat. Representatives of this species lie on their backs and show their stomachs only when they are in the most relaxed state.
If your cat is sprawled out on the floor next to you and rolling around, you can be sure she feels affection for you.
4. The cat purrs next to you

If a cat purrs near you, it means that she is enjoying something or is very relaxed. She may lie on your chest and purr as a sign of love, or when you stroke her to let you know that she likes what you are doing. When a cat purrs, she is essentially telling you that you are one of her pets.
5. The cat’s tail is raised vertically
When a cat holds its tail straight and upright, with its tip slightly curled, it is showing its love for you. A kitten usually behaves this way in front of its mother as a sign of respect for her, and an adult cat in this way shows affection for the owner.
6. The cat sleeps on you

One of the most telling signs that a cat loves you is that it happily naps in your lap. Being a born predator, the cat does not like to feel vulnerable and is especially wary of this state during sleep. Falling asleep on the owner, she exposes herself in the most defenseless form and demonstrates her trust in you.
7. The cat bites you lightly
There is a difference between a light bite and an aggressive bite. And this is one of the less obvious signs that your cat loves you. If she uses you as a chew toy and doesn’t cause any pain, it could be a sign that you are best friends.
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