Boy Tricks His Parents Into Adopting The Shelter’s Biggest Dog

child tricks parents adopt big dog shelter

This cunning boy manages to trick his parents into adopting the biggest dog in the shelter and bringing him home.

Travis Ulman is a little 7-year-old boy, and even though he’s only in first grade, he knows exactly how to get what he wants. Travis lives with his family in San Antonio, Texas. This cunning youngster is clear on how to achieve his goals, even if it involves some special tricks.

And of course, when he had a special request for his parents, Travis wanted to include a new pet in his family, and he wasn’t ready to take no for an answer.

Ann Ulman, Travis’ mother, told The Dodo:

Travis is super smart. And he knows how to get his way, especially with his mommy.

Child tricks his parents into adopting the largest dog in the shelter

Boy and his pet

The family moved into a new house with a big backyard, and Travis thought Rosie, his black Labrador, might be a bit lonely to have so much space without a playmate, so he devised an ingenious three-pronged plan. parties to convince her parents to have another furry brother.

Ann tells:

My son kept telling us that our dog Rosie was bored and that she needed a friend. My husband and I said, ‘Maybe one day we’ll get a friend for Rosie.

Family adopts the largest dog in the shelter

Travis and his father visited the website of a local animal shelter. It was there that they learned the story of Lucy, a Great Dane with brown and black spots all over her body. With just one view of her pictures, Travis fell madly in love with her.

Ann said:

He asked us (quite demandingly) to take him to the local animal shelter, saying that he wanted to see the small dogs. He even mentioned pugs, chihuahuas, and dachshunds, so we thought, ‘it might work.’

kid and his dog play

The next day, the family drove to the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter to see the puppies available for adoption. Already in the shelter, Travis discovered the whole plan of him.

Ann remembers:

We got to the shelter and [Travis] completely bypassed the puppies and he went straight to the biggest Great Dane I’ve ever seen. The next thing I heard was… ‘Happy Mother’s Day, you’re going to give me this dog because I love him.’ We all knew as soon as we saw Lucy that she would be a wonderful addition to our family. Not to mention Travis wouldn’t be leaving without Lucy.

kid tricks his parents into adopting the biggest dog in the shelter

Ann remembers that when Travis saw her, Lucy was very shy and scared at first, but when she was taken to the running area, she started to act cheerful and kept jumping. She played very well with the children and Travis seemed deeply in love with her. He kept giving her hugs.

Already in her new home, Lucy has made a great impression among the neighbors.

The child’s mother says:

Travis loves holding his leash and getting all the looks. It’s a bit of a shock to see a 7-year-old boy walking this huge, beautiful dog. Neighbors have told us that they love our new horse.

dogs playing

Lucy has become an important member of her new family, much to the relief of Travis, who finally made her plan a complete success.

Images: Ann Ulman

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