How To Choose A Healthy And Strong Chihuahua Puppy ?

choose Chihuahua puppy

Choosing a dog is an individual matter for the future owner. If you have decided on the breed and know that the Chihuahua will be your biggest friend, there are a few more parameters worth considering. An amazing, nimble and at the same time strong and courageous puppy can become a wonderful friend for you and even the winner of exhibitions. Who do you want – a boy or a girl, how to choose a Chihuahua puppy and what variety – we will outline all this in our article.

Temperament and appearance

The Mexican Chihuahua has always been famous for its tiny size and strong-willed character. She was revered in ancient times; it was believed that the dog drives away evil spirits and protects its owner. As a guardian angel of the chihuahua, it is now a constant companion of the entire female population, and the children are crazy about the chihuahua.

She attracts them with her comical, funny muzzle, puny body and wit in her eyes. It is convenient to take dogs with you to work, traveling, moving, while walking it is convenient to carry under your arm through puddles and obstacles. What can I say, the dog is comfortable in every sense. Does the Chihuahua herself like to live near people, let’s see.

In fact, the Chihuahua is fine with everything, if it is properly taken care of. She rides, frankly, like cheese in butter. Modern words from the song โ€œwhy are you so daringโ€ fit her perfectly. Why do you ask, because the Chihuahua is so cute and petite ….

But her prettiness does not speak of the calmness of the dog, on the contrary, with a Chihuahua you are always like behind a stone wall, of course, she will not be able to cripple the enemy, but she will be able to bark at your enemy or an evil passer-by with pleasure.

choose Chihuahua puppy

He not only has the temper of a winner, but also has selfish inclinations. So if strangers come to you, the dog will not trust them, will growl and in every possible way will not allow contact with you until he realizes that he is also loved and feels your affection. Take her in your arms when guests arrive, talk not only with the guests, but also with her, stroke her and scratch her withers, the chihuahua loves this very much.

Well, by the way, if it is problematic for you to devote so much time to a Chihuahua, it is better to refuse to buy a puppy. The dog suffers a lot from loneliness, it can get sick, and in general, in depression, it will think that it has been abandoned by everyone forever. Chihuahua depression can lead to disastrous consequences.

In addition, the Chihuahua needs care that you won’t give to any other breed, or so they say. The upbringing and socialization of the Chihuahua is in the first place, because due to its belligerent nature and irascibility, it can find itself in a dead end or even harm its health, get into an accident or become bitten by a big dog.

So, let’s move on to the main thing with which we started our conversation – how to choose a Chihuahua, how to choose colors and gender. And also, how not to make a mistake when coming to the nursery, and not to choose a sick chihuahua, read on.

Choosing options and varieties

If you do not know what height and size your Chihuahua should be, here are several categories of adult dogs by height, if the height does not match any of the categories, the dog will not be taken to the show:

  • Mini chihuahua – height 1.5-2 kg;
  • Super mini – 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • Standard – 2.5-3.5 kg.

All this applies to an adult, a lower weight indicator is considered preferable at exhibitions, imagine how a dog will look like at a young age, when you come to buy it, it will easily fit on the palm of your hand and will resemble a rat.

Nevertheless, experienced dog breeders recommend taking a dog at the age of 3-4 months so that it gets used to you and begins to follow commands, remembers the name, its place and loves its owner with all its heart.

According to the color of the Chihuahua, there are all kinds of colors, the rarest of them is merle. Choose any – red shades, sable color, lilac, colondrino, white, black, tan, blue.

choose Chihuahua puppy

It is up to you whether to choose a short-haired chihuahua, or a long-haired one, both of them shed equally rarely and little. If the family has allergies, then long hair should be excluded. Some still like long-haired ones, but then you will have to devote time to your hair every day. At least a simple combing will definitely help keep the coat in perfect condition and establish contact with the animal.

Now you need to choose a boy or a girl, who exactly do you want? If you want to breed offspring and have already decided on this, then take a female, if not, a male. If this is indifferent to you, and you want to raise a puppy not for the sake of procreation and the preservation of the qualities of the breed, then you can take anyone that you like.

Subsequently, you will castrate or sterilize him. This procedure is necessary to avoid problems with the genitourinary system in the future. Both sexes shed in exactly the same way, and the character of the girl is more patient than that of the male.

How to choose a Chihuahua puppy

In order not to be mistaken and to know how to choose the right Chihuahua puppy, you need to come to the nursery several times and look closely, ask and study the situation. If you immediately do not like the conditions of keeping puppies in the kennel, and you notice poor care for the dogs, then you should look for another organization. How to proceed further, if you have already liked one of the puppies and how to choose the right one, read on.

choose Chihuahua puppy

Each dog is individual, some run up to you, try to get to know you faster – they wag their tail and direct their gaze clearly at you. And others will be wary at first, and then they will approach, both of which are the norm. But if you throw some small object after the acquaintance, and the dog is not interested in it, then you should be wary.

A healthy puppy of 2-3 months is always curiously watching everything that surrounds him and will definitely react to a fallen object. Aggression or cowardice are vices, such puppies are not allowed to show, they often get sick, they are not contact, therefore they are brought up poorly. That is why heredity plays an important role in these dogs, study the pedigree, look at the parents and find out about all the illnesses of the Chihuahua relatives.

Also pay attention, if something is wrong with the puppy, his appearance will talk about it:

  • Excessively large physique, thick limbs and overweight. Fraudsters call this type of Chihuahua – English, but the international standard for this type of this breed does not exist, take note – you can be fooled;
  • Too small head, with strongly bulging eyes;
  • A head with a weakly pronounced stop – the transition of the forehead to the bridge of the nose – a vice;
  • A short and blunt muzzle can give out a hardware, a cross between a Chihuahua and a Pinscher;
  • Feel the tail and joints – shifts, breaks – all this indicates soreness and shortcomings;
  • If the puppy is lame or has a different arrangement of the front or hind limbs – sound the alarm;
  • If the puppy has inflammation and discharge from the eye, it smells unpleasant from the ears, it flows from the nose, or vice versa, the nose is hot – these are signs of illness;
  • Look for a small litter, then it is more likely that the puppy will be strong and healthy.

Most importantly – do not buy a puppy from the market or from hands, it is dangerous, without documents, such fragile comrades as a chihuahua come across not with the best set of genes. A proven nursery, your knowledge and plus intuition – all this will help you choose a puppy. And let this choice be not the easiest, but productive and correct, good luck with your acquaintance with the Chihuahua!


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