Couple Drive For Hours To Save Grandpa’s Dog From Being Euthanized

couple drives hours save dog grandpa

Ashton Hart has learned that his grandfather, whom he had not seen for six years, has died of Covid. He was surprised by the news, but he was also worried if maybe his grandfather had a pet he left behind.

Apparently his instincts proved correct and he discovered that his grandfather had a dog and would likely be euthanized for his situation.

So, without a second thought, Ashton and his partner decided to travel for more than three hours to find the dog named Oatmilk Latte.

A couple drives for hours to save their dog

couple drives hours save dog grandpa

Although they knew nothing about the dog, they decided to save him from a dark future and even loved him without knowing him. When they arrived at his grandfather’s house, they found an obese dog with various health issues and in need of euthanasia.

couple drives hours save dog grandpa

Ashton told The Dodo:

“I worked primarily in animal activism during my adult career before I bought my business, so I wouldn’t let that be sacrificed.”

Oatmilk Latte was very dirty, had matted fur, and they knew he had many health issues because his grandfather didn’t take good care of him. These issues didn’t matter to them, because in their hearts and minds, the abandoned dog was already their new pet and would be officially adopted.

couple drives hours save dog grandpa

The dog was very sweet, but he got tired easily, so they had to put him in the car and drive another three hours home.

Although he was in poor condition, Ashton knew his grandfather loved Oatmilk, clearly the dog still loved him.

Ashton added:

“She’s very sweet, but she’s definitely grieving. Every passing day gets a little better, but it’s a process. Losing someone is hard, especially for dogs. They depend on us for everything. Mis apart from my grandfather’s negligence, I guess he loved it in his own way.”

The couple gave their new flirtatious partner a bath and decided to cut his hair to improve his physical appearance and quality of life. They know that Oatmilk Latte needs some time to adjust to her new life, but they are sure that with lots of love she will be happy.

couple drives hours save dog grandpa

He needs veterinary care to improve his health, but with lots of dedication and exercise in his daily routine, he will be able to recover in no time. When they rescued him they had no idea what they were getting into, but now the couple can’t imagine life without the company of Oatmilk Latte.

The dog is still grieving, although his new owners will do their best to make him a completely happy dog โ€‹โ€‹again.

couple drives hours save dog grandpa

Now it’s their pet and they want to see it thrive over time, and with the help of proper care.

If you want to know more about Oatmilk Latte, you can follow their adventures via TikTok.

Images: TikTok / repulsivelyflamboyant

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