Couple See Photo Of Saddest Dog In Shelter And Drive 6 Hours To Adopt Him

couple travel adopt sad dog

Benji was saved by a shelter in the streets of Los Angeles, he was not feeling well, he was really lonely and sad, he needed love, and Jessica and her boyfriend decided to give him a second chance in life, his physical and emotional transformation in a few weeks is incredible.

Jessica Williams had always wanted to adopt a dog with her boyfriend Jared, and that dream came one step closer to reality when they moved into an apartment in Sacramento, Calif., that allows pets.

Jared told Jessica they could adopt one in November, but she decided to start searching online for various shelters and their dogs available for adoption.

When Jessica saw Benji’s photo, she felt the need to give him a second chance immediately, because in his photo he looked like the saddest dog in the shelter, he really needed some love.

A couple traveled 6 hours to adopt the saddest shelter dog

sad benji

Benji was rescued while wandering the streets of Los Angeles, he lost some of his fur due to a flea allergy. Many people probably wouldn’t adopt a dog under these conditions, but Jessica was the exception.

Jessica told The Dodo:

He was at the shelter for 10 days and was not having a good time. He growled and kicked people as he passed. I had never seen a sadder dog and I knew I couldn’t leave him there.

Benji in the shelter

Jessica and her boyfriend traveled from Sacramento to Los Angeles for six hours to meet Benji, and when they finally arrived at the shelter, they showed great interest in him.

She said :

The shelter also told us he was unfriendly and refused to take us to a quiet holding area to meet him because ‘he wouldn’t be a dog coming up to us to be friendly.’ he had a high chance of being euthanized and we didn’t want him to die.

Benji lost his fur

Yet, regardless of Benji’s behavior, the couple decided to bring him home. The dog was very confused about his new parents on the way back to Sacramento.

sad benji dog

He tried to stay away for a while, but after a few days Benji started to feel safe, showing his true sweet and playful personality.


Jessica said:

He loves to come and lick our faces and play with his toys. It’s so silly now! He has crazy behaviors after taking a bath. He also starts barking as soon as we get to the car as if to say: “We have to move!” Let’s go!’

benji happy

Benji spent three weeks with his new family and experienced an incredible transformation, he is overcoming his sad past and now, without a doubt, he hopes to continue with a very happy life, surrounded by love and all thanks to this couple who have decided to take risks for him.

Images: Jessica Williams


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