Dog Training: Cultivate Obedience In Dogs

Dog training Cultivate obedience in dogs

The dog’s obedience is realized by teaching its commands and achieving reliability of obedience. The general course of dog obedience training is intended for a wide range of dog breeders. It is equally useful for companion dog owners interested in the handling of their pets in the city; and the owners of guard dogs – who want to put their behavior under reliable control. And for lovers of decorative breeds, there is an opportunity to teach your pet funny tricks.

A carefully planned educational process, taking into account all the achievements in the field of learning / behavior, in conjunction with a wide range of methods and training techniques, allow you to use the class time with maximum efficiency. During the training, clients receive all the necessary knowledge and practical skills to train their dog. Dog owners are simply and clearly explained what is being done, the technical aspects of obedience training, and warnings against common mistakes are given.

Dog Obey You

Training methods

Dog obedience training is carried out according to one of 4 applied methods: self-reinforcing, social, mixed or forced. The choice of technique is carried out depending on the age, size, temperament, the leading needs of the dog – food, play, social – the wishes of the customer, and a number of other factors. These programs are the product of a complete rethinking of obedience training and years of intellectual quest to improve behavioral technologies. I am proud to declare that my methods incorporate all the best practices of both modern dog training and training of the past. All the best and nothing more.

The general course of dog obedience training has a pronounced applied orientation, i.e. aims at the practical use of commands in everyday life. Because of this, priority is given to the development of the dog’s social need for verbal approval and praise from the owner. This allows for reliable and high-quality execution of commands without bribery in the form of a toy or a treat. And in cases where the chosen method of obedience training involves stimulating the dog with material rewards, at the final stage of training, 2 innovative author’s methods of easy transfer to another motivation are at your service.

Stages of training

The obedience course for dogs consists of 3 stages:

  • Training is the stage of primary accumulation of information, formation of the main composition of teams, understanding “What is to be done?” in combination with the summarizing of the motivational base “Why do this?”
  • Training is the stage of consolidating what has been learned, complicating the composition of teams, and gradually increasing quantitative characteristics: endurance, distance, etc.
  • Adaptation – getting used to working in an urban environment and special environment, in the presence of specific irritants and distractions: people, cars, cyclists, children, other dogs, etc.
Dog training Cultivate obedience in dogs

Obedience commands

The general training course includes training dogs in classical and circus teams.

Classic commands:

  • “To me” – the call of the dog with shrinkage in front of the owner, and the subsequent acceptance of the starting position.
  • “Nearby” – movement nearby without a leash along a complicated route; switching sides on command; acceptance of a starting position in movement after beckoning.
  • “Sit / Lie / Stand” – at the foot, at a distance, out of motion; at different angles from the trainer; by command and gesture, only gesture, only command.
  • “Place” – exposure on site up to 15 minutes, deportation to the designated place, deportation based on environmental incentives.
  • “No” – suppression of unwanted actions and setting a ban on them.
  • “Apport” – carrying and serving a thrown object.
  • “Walk” – permission to stop executing the command.
  • “Rotate” – a 360 degree rotation.
  • ” roll ” – roll over the back.
  • “Jump” – jump over a leg, arm or ring.
  • “Serve” – ​​stand or sit on its hind legs.
  • “Walk” – walking on hind legs.
  • “Waltz” – whirling on hind legs.
  • “Give a paw / another” – give one paw, then the other.
  • “Snake” – step-by-step passage between the legs.

Forms of education

There are 2 forms of training to choose from: first, you train your dog under the guidance of an instructor; second – the instructor trains the dog himself, in your presence or not.

The first form of training is good because you learn to train yourself and, if you wish, you can continue training your dog on your own. Plus, keep the commands learned in working order. But you still learn from your dog, which somewhat hinders the normal course of the educational process.

The second form of training is good in that it significantly reduces the training time, due to the fact that an experienced instructor is working with your dog; but you still need to learn the commands and learn how to give them correctly. And also, if necessary, undergo leadership training from the education course.

Additional Information

The general course of training is designed for educated, at least socialized, dogs of any breed. Dogs from 6 months of age are allowed to take classes in applied programs, and in circus training from 3 months. The upper age limit is not strictly limited – depending on the health status of the dog – up to about 10 years.

Dog obedience training is carried out individually, with a visit to the house.

The duration of the general training course depends on the goals set, the individual abilities of the owner and the dog, the accuracy of following the instructor’s recommendations. The course is designed for a minimum of 48 lessons. With a mode of 3 lessons per week, its duration will be 4 months.

Frequency of classes: 2 – 3 times a week. Alternatively, you can practice once a week, receive instruction for self-fulfillment, then the next, etc. But exercising without the supervision of an instructor, you are not immune from unintentional mistakes.

The duration of one training session is determined by the instructor individually and is approximately 1 hour.


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