A Curious Kitten Is Surprised To Discover Its First Ray Of Sunshine

curious kitten surprised to discover the first sunbeam

An adorable and curious kitten, just six weeks old, is shocked when he sees the rays of the sun for the first time.

At just six weeks old, a sweet kitten living in foster care began to discover what the world was like. And while it can be a very difficult process, Kitty is already learning that there are a lot of shiny and adorable things along the way.

Recently, the adorable kitten has been exploring various places in the house that were new to him, under the supervision of Yige, his adoptive mother. Suddenly, in the midst of his mischievousness, he found something that caught his eye and he kept staring at it for several minutes.

It was a mysterious shiny rectangle that stretched between the carpet and the floor, an odd appearance that the curious kitten wanted to investigate.

Curious kitten discovers a ray of sunshine

kitten first sunbeam

If the kitten was sure of anything, it was that this flash of light was not there, so the corresponding inspection had to be made. Very bravely he approached the strange place, sniffed it a little then tried to catch the rectangle of light with his little paws.

kitten is surprised

As expected, she couldn’t catch the light, but for the first time in her life, the kitten found her first ray of sunshine.

Although she couldn’t catch it, the kitten felt her warmth and liked it, so she thought it was the best place to take a nap. Without thinking long, she curled up and fell asleep to recharge her batteries and then continue to explore the house.

Without a doubt, watching kittens explore the world is one of the pleasures of caring for young, needy cats.

Curious kitten is surprised

That’s why Yige recommends helping all kittens in need, because they will bring a lot of joy to our homes.

Yige wrote on Instagram:

Do yourself a favor and take care of some kittens. They will provide you with a guaranteed dose of serotonin every day.

foster kittens

The curious kitten will continue to explore every corner of her home, seeking new discoveries, new adventures and mischief, waiting for her forever home.

Images: Instagram / fostersxyz


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