Cyclists See Stray Dog On The Road And Know He Will Return Home With Them

cyclists see stray dog take home

Couple of cyclists who were on their daily exercise route, see abandoned dog on the road and decide to save it

In April of this year, Ladislau Alcรขntara and Rosilene Jansen, went out to exercise on their bikes in their mid-40s; without thinking that this walk would change their lives forever.

The day was too hot, so they decided to come home early from their trip, and suddenly, on the way, they were surprised. It was a small dog that stood alone in the middle of the road, as if he was lost or maybe someone had abandoned him.

When they approached they realized it was a malnourished brown dachshund, who didn’t even run, just looked at them like he was asking for help.

Cyclists see an abandoned dog on the road

cyclists see stray dog take home

Rosilene told The Dodo:

We realized that he was abandoned and that we had bread in our backpack, so I went over to him, gave him the bread and he ate it right away.

cyclists see stray dog take home

Cyclists asked local residents about the dog and learned that the area is very popular for animal abandonment.

Rosilรจne commented:

I was desperate because I didn’t want to leave him there, but there was still over 40 kilometers (25 miles) to get home.

cyclists see stray dog take home

So Ladislau unzipped his hydration pack, picked up the little dog and put it inside to take it home. It was not an easy maneuver to perform, but the cyclists since seeing the abandoned animal have been determined to do anything to help it.

cyclists see stray dog take home

Ros added:

It wasn’t easy. I was riding my bike behind him and checking the backpack to make sure the dog didn’t fall. Every mile was an eternity.

After a long journey, they stopped for a few minutes to rest, and at that moment Ladislau turned around and said a sentence, smiling at Rosilene.

cyclists see stray dog take home

Ladislau said:

Since I have no children, I will have a dog.

The cyclists continued the journey and after a few hours they finally arrived home, where they gave him a bath, water and good food.

cyclists see stray dog take home

After the huge bike ride, they decided to adopt the abandoned puppy and named him Rotivi, although Ladislau prefers to call him Pelanka.

Over time, cyclists have become very attached to the puppy, and now the three are completely inseparable; they are unconditional friends.

cyclists see stray dog take home

Since then, Pelanka has successfully overcome her health problems and gained enough weight. He is already a strong dog and always accompanies his parents on all their adventures.

cyclists see stray dog take home

Rosilรจne said:

He is our companion and is always with us. He is not afraid of other animals, regardless of their size. He feels safe knowing that we are always close.

cyclists see stray dog take home

Although Pelanka is unexpected, Ladislau and Rosilene can’t imagine what life would be like without him, and they give him the love he deserves.

Images: Instagram – pelanka_dachsund


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