All cat guardians will probably say without hesitation that their pet remembers itself even after a long separation. Is this really the case? Do cats remember their owners?
Have you ever wondered if your cat might forget you after a week or a month of absence? After all, we always remember our pets and automatically expect the same from them. However, when we have to leave the house for a long time, we start to wonder if the cat will miss us and recognize us after a long separation. How it happens: do cats remember their owners after a long separation?
Emotional cards
Cats’ memory is linked to their senses: sight, smell and hearing. Cats have really good memories. In addition, studies have shown that it is comparable to the memory of a 2โ3-year-old child. Additionally, they are capable of performing complex tasks such as puzzles. Cats also create what are called emotional maps – they will have positive feelings for those who have fed and played with them, and negative feelings for those who have treated them badly. Kittens learn from their own experiences, which is why it is so difficult to regain the trust of a hurt kitten.
A face-to-face encounter with a growling dog is enough to convince your kitten that members of this species are best avoided. Positive experiences are just as easy to remember. Especially if it involves food or pleasure.
Short-term memories
Cats have an associative memory, for example they associate the sound of opening a refrigerator with receiving food. They run to the kitchen every time they hear it, even if it’s not meal time – every cat owner knows this.
According to a 2015 study by National Geographic, many animals lack short-term memory. Scientists looked at 25 species, from dolphins to bees. The researchers concluded that the average length of short-term memory was only 27 seconds. Instead, they can store information that helps them survive. So, it’s no surprise that this often results in remembering places where they not only get food (especially their favorites), but also provide safe shelter.
Age matters
Cats age like humans. As they age, their health deteriorates and their memory begins to deteriorate. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, more than half of cats ages 11 to 15 suffer from cognitive impairment. The same applies to 80 percent of cats ages 16 to 20. This condition negatively affects memory and leads to an overall decline in cognitive function.
Do cats remember their owners?
If you establish positive associations โ you feed your cat, play with him and maintain a strong bond โ there is a good chance that he will remember you โ even after a long separation.
Do you think cats remember their owners? Share your experiences with us in the comments.
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