Do you want to sell your dog? A moving social experience restores people’s confidence

Do you want to sell your dog social experience
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ลukasz Wdowiak, known online as LukasTV, conducted a social experiment and this time he took a closer look at dog owners. He asked the people he met along the way with their pets if they wanted to sell their pets to him. Their answers differ from each other and thus show discrepancies in the way the animals are treated.

Although it is said that a dog is man’s best friend and, for some, even a full-fledged member of the family, it turns out that not everyone shares this opinion. Although most people answer no to the question posed by Wdowiak if they will sell their pet, some people apparently have no problem getting rid of their pet.

A social experiment conducted on animal owners. How much does friendship cost?

โ€œWill you sell me your dog?โ€ – this is the question that the creator of the LukasTV channel repeatedly asked dog owners when recording the material. Most of those contacted firmly refused, emphasizing that even the largest sums of money could not convince them to abandon their friend.

The price that the author of the experiment offered to pet owners was considerable. He even offered some people up to a thousand zlotys to give up their dog. Above all, passers-by did not realize that the man who left with the offer had a hidden camera with him.

Do you want to sell your dog social experience
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– And in life, that is priceless – the first person we meet responds with conviction.

– I will not sell. You don’t sell friends, here’s my friend – the older man walking with the half-breed leaves no doubt.

– He is a member of the family, members of the family are not sold – says a woman walking with a beautiful dog with a light coat.

One of the people Lukasz Wdowiak addressed his offer to was a homeless man. Right next to him and his German shepherd was a card with an inscription informing passers-by that he was collecting money to buy medicine and food for him and his pet.

Do you want to sell your dog social experience
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– It’s not for sale, I won’t give it to you even for a million zlotys. They’re my family, they sleep with me – answers a man experiencing homelessness without a moment’s doubt.

In response to a question about selling a pet, an elderly woman shared her story. She compared the moment she put the dog to sleep with the loss of her closest person, who was her mother, and compared the whole situation to the parents who sold the child.

However, the price for a friend is negotiable?

Although the information posted on the TikToker channel shows that most passers-by passed the empathy test with distinction, unfortunately not everyone answered in the negative when asked if it was possible to buy them the dog. One of the women arrested was ready to get rid of her pet for 125 euros and tell her husband, the owner of the animal, that he had escaped. Additionally, she asked the man to leave the area quickly so that her husband would not catch her making the transaction.

The response from another dog owner may also be comforting. The woman accepted the offer to hand over the animal for 100 euros, but asked the man who had offered to meet her at the same place in 20 minutes. Reason ? With sadness on her mind, she explained that she had to go home to collect her pet’s bowl, because – as she said – she didn’t want to eat anything from another.

– Sometimes I’m not home for whole days, I feel sorry for her and I don’t take her to a shelter because I saw what was going on there – she argues. Czy sprzedasz swojego psa? #prank #lukastv #socialexperiment #dog โ™ฌ dลบwiฤ™k oryginalny – LukasWdowiak

The conclusion that can be drawn from the material provided by ลukasz Wdowiak is very simple: the attachment to a four-legged friend does not depend on age, gender, social status or financial situation. Having a kind heart filled with love for animals, nothing can stop you from giving your pet a love that no amount of money can buy.

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