Does your dog need a summer haircut? Many of us face this dilemma, but it’s not hard to make a mistake.

Does your dog need a summer haircut
Image by Myléne from Pixabay

Should dog hair be cut in the summer? Although the opinions of the owners are divided, the experts have no doubts. Many caregivers make this mistake. The consequences can be serious – he may be at risk of stroke. Dogs react to heat differently than humans, and proper coat maintenance is an important cooling mechanism.

How does a dog cool down? Beware, the risk of heat stroke is high

Although dogs don’t feel heat due to the lack of proper receptors, that doesn’t mean that heat doesn’t make them uncomfortable. Unfortunately, our four-legged friends have fewer cooling mechanisms than humans. Due to the lack of sweat glands, dogs cannot dissipate excess heat from the body very effectively. They have to find other ways.

These animals cool themselves by panting. Therefore, especially in summer, we need to pay attention to the muzzle, which makes it difficult for dogs to pant and can accelerate the process of overheating the body.

Does your dog need a summer haircut
Image by Myléne from Pixabay

Should you cut your dog’s hair in the summer?

Many dog owners make this mistake. We believe that if we are bothered by longer hair in the summer, so will the animals. Nothing could be more wrong. Should you shave your dog for the summer? The answer is no. This can lead to sunburn and even strokes.

Some people think the dog’s fur is “warm” and choose short haircuts in hot weather. This is a serious mistake. Fur is not a warming coat, but rather an insulator. If it is cold outside, it retains the heat generated by the body and prevents it from dissipating. When it’s hot – it separates the hot external environment from the dog’s body and does not allow it to overheat. In addition, it acts as a barrier against UV rays which, after a zero shave, can cause sunburn.

Grooming a dog for the summer – how to do it for different dogs?

Double and single coated dogs should be treated differently depending on the presence of an undercoat. How to clip dogs without undercoat? Examples of breeds with such coats are Yorkies and Poodles. In their case, you need to leave a hair of at least 7 mm in length. If their coat is finer, it should be longer.

Most dog breeds have an undercoat, which is a layer of hair close to the skin that protects them from the cold. In the summer, the dog begins to lose it, and only the finishing coat remains, which, as an airy coat, insulates from the sun, but does not “warm up”. How to maintain an undercoat? Let’s limit ourselves to a light cut. Never shave the hairs to scratch, or even for a short time. Focus on brushing the lost undercoat and that should be enough.

Why shouldn’t dogs be shaved?

  • The undercoat grows first, which heats the dog unnecessarily;
  • Hair regrowth from the top coat changes its structure to a more curly structure and blocks air exchange.

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