Many people know the smell of “dog” and that is why they often do not want to have a pet. We often hear the question whether there are dogs without dog smell. Unfortunately no. But some breeds have a minimal smell and this can be easily eliminated with proper care of the animal.

Do all dogs smell like “dog”?

Not all dogs can have a distinct canine odor; some breeds have a minimal or even nonexistent odor. If you want to find an animal without an odor, you should first of all pay attention to the so-called hairless breeds. After all, it is the dog’s fur that gives off the strongest “aroma”. These include, for example, Chinese Crested, Peruvian and Mexican Hairless dogs.

Dogs with long hair that resembles human hair also do not smell because they do not have an undercoat. The most popular long-haired animals are Yorkshire terriers. But their fur absorbs surrounding odors well, so it is quite possible that the dog does not smell like a dog, but like chops.

Dogs with short, coarse hair without an undercoat also do not give off the characteristic dog odor. In addition, their “hair” practically does not get wet and does not absorb surrounding aromas. These breeds include Cairn Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers and many others.

Why does my dog ​​smell like dog and is there anything I can do about it?

Any healthy and clean animal practically does not emit an unpleasant odor. This applies not only to dogs, but also to other pets. A strong odor signals to owners that their friend has problems with teeth, gums or digestive system.

As for the dog’s dog smell, it can intensify under the influence of many factors:

  • Age. Older animals smell stronger. The smell is caused not only by diseases, but also by the aging of the dog’s body as a whole.
  • Sex of the dog. Females smell less than males. But not during estrus: during this period, dog lovers “smell good” to attract the attention of favorable gentlemen.
  • Humidity. After swimming in a river or lake or walking in the rain, the dog should be washed with shampoo and dried. Otherwise, being with your pet will be unbearable.

To prevent your dog from smelling bad, you need to take care of it. You can also choose a dog breed that does not have any dog ​​odor.

Which Dogs Don't Smell Like Dog: A List of 20 Breeds

There are many breeds of dogs that do not smell. Among them, you can easily find a pet to your taste, depending on your wishes regarding the appearance and size of the living space.



Light and graceful, Xoloitzcuintles are distinguished by their complete lack of hair. Some representatives sometimes have sparse hair on the forehead and nape, reminiscent of a foal’s mane.

Xoloitzcuintles are prone to allergies and overeating, so their diet and diet must be carefully monitored. Animals should also be protected from cold and direct sunlight.

About the Xoloitzcuintle

American Hairless Terrie

American Hairless Terrie

The skin of the American Hairless Terrier is distinguished by its numerous contrasting spots. Its color changes under the influence of the sun, and the area of ​​​​spots increases with age.

Like all hairless dogs, representatives of this breed are very vulnerable to high and low temperatures. For this reason, it is recommended to walk them in clothes at any time of the year.

About the American Hairless Terrier

Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested Dog is another hairless dog breed without a dog smell. A small amount of fluff is allowed only on the legs, tail and head.

All Chinese Cresteds are prone to acne and blackheads. They are also very vulnerable to the sun. In summer, they should be protected with a high SPF cream.

About the Chinese Crested Dog



He has short, dense and rough hair that does not smell like a dog. Despite this, the Dalmatian sheds a lot and is hyperactive. Without proper physical activity, he directs his energy to various destructions and completely ignores the owner’s prohibitions.

It is recommended to keep Dalmatians in a private house strictly inside a living space. In an enclosure, a dog will get sick very quickly, since its short hair does not protect against low temperatures.

About the Dalmatian



The Basenji is one of the cleanest four-legged animals. It practically does not shed and takes care of its own hygiene, washing itself like a cat.

The main characteristics of the Basenji are the absence of barking and a panic fear of water. The first is explained by the special structure of the vocal cords, and the second by the genetic memory of the breed, which makes it fear crocodiles living in African rivers.

About the Basenji

Italian Greyhound

Due to their ultra-short coat and lack of undercoat, Italian Greyhounds hate frost and melting snow. At home, they are constantly trying to find a warmer and higher place, just like real cats.

Like all sighthounds, Italian Greyhounds need daily exercise. Dog handlers recommend directing their activity towards dog sports, i.e. racing or agility.

About the Italian Greyhound

American Pit Bull

American Pit Bull

It has a short, harsh coat without an undercoat. Pit bulls shed noticeably only in spring and autumn. The rest of the year, excessive hair loss is caused by allergies, poor nutrition or too dry indoor air.

The four-legged dog is inclined to dominance, so it is extremely difficult for beginners to cope with its education. Behavioral problems can also develop if the psychological climate in the home is unfavorable. With frequent quarrels and scandals, the pit bull becomes neurotic and restless, full of aggression towards others.

About the Pit bull

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu

The body of the Shiba Inu is covered with a dense coat with a thick undercoat and hard hair. During moulting, the dog must be brushed daily, as the hair falls out very abundantly. Despite this, the Shiba Inu, like the Basenji, is known for its cleanliness. It also licks itself like a cat and its fur has water-repellent properties.

Shiba Inus are prone to eye diseases. Discharge that appears after sleep should be promptly removed with a cotton pad or a soft, damp cloth without alcohol.

About the Shiba Inu



This proud four-legged creature of very small size is available in long-haired and short-haired varieties. In the first case, its body is covered with silky and slightly wavy fur, and in the second it is smooth and straight.

Due to its modest dimensions, the Chihuahua can be kept even in a small studio apartment. The main problem of this dog is its fragility. Because of this, even a simple jump from the couch can lead to a serious fracture.

About the Chihuahua



Depending on the size and weight, it is divided into 4 varieties: large, small, dwarf and toy. Notable for its unusual curly fur, trimmed strictly according to the standard.

The poodle’s hair does not fall out as it grows back. It is brushed daily. With less frequent combing, tangles may form.

About the Poodle

Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffon

The body of the four-legged bearded vulture is covered with a long, thick spine, reminiscent of a wire. It does not shed on its own and needs to be trimmed.

Brussels Griffons are unpretentious in terms of maintenance and have a high level of intelligence. If desired, they can be trained very quickly.

About the Brussels Griffon

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer

The coat of the Giant Schnauzer is the same as that of the Griffon. The coarsest and longest hairs cover its muzzle. This is where luxurious “mustaches”, “eyebrows” and “beards” are formed.

The first trimming of a Giant Schnauzer is carried out at 6 months. This is done manually or with the help of a special machine – a clipper.

About the Giant Schnauzer

West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terrier

The snow-white dog is a hypoallergenic breed. Its coat consists of a dense undercoat and a hard thorn, reaching 5 cm in length. The West Highland White Terrier standard allows only one color – white, but if it is not properly maintained, it often becomes yellowish.

To maintain the desired shade during washing, it is recommended to use special whitening zoo shampoos. It is equally important not to forget about the timely removal of food debris from the face – they can also cause the appearance of yellowness.

About the West Highland White Terrier

Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terrier

The shaggy Scotch Terrier is the main favorite of retirees. He has an urgent need for communication and often suffers from excessive pestering. Provided that he walks well, the four-legged hunter can be kept in small apartments.

Representatives of this breed do not shed seasonally. Tufts of exfoliated hair are cut off. In the absence of experience, sufficient time and effort, it is better to entrust this procedure to a groomer.

About the Scottish Terrier

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

Friendly and even-tempered, the Shih Tzu is a typical companion dog. She gets along well with other animals and is very patient with children.

The Shih Tzu’s long, silky coat is prone to matting. It should be brushed daily. It is recommended to put the longest hair on top of the head in a ponytail.

About the Shih Tzu

Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan Terrier

Despite its name, the Tibetan Terrier is a shepherd breed. Its shaggy and thick coat takes a very long time to grow, is prone to tangling and practically does not shed. To maintain a neat appearance, it must be combed daily.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a developed protective instinct and a loud voice. Thanks to these qualities, they can be used to protect your home.

About the Tibetan Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

Despite its small size, the Yorkie is a typical terrier, full of energy and wary of strangers. Its completely straight coat is very similar to human hair and requires careful grooming.

Yorkshire Terriers are prone to neurodermatitis, which causes excessive hair loss. The main causes of this disease are stress and boredom. If alarming signs appear, try to change your home environment to make it more comfortable.

About the Yorkshire Terrier

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise

The charming teddy dog ​​has not only a wonderful character, but also a remarkable appearance. Its airy coat makes it look like a weightless white cloud.

The thick and dense undercoat of the Bichon Frise protects against moisture. When wet, all the water usually remains on the surface and does not penetrate deeper.

About the Bichon Frise



The Maltese dog is also famous for its doll-like appearance. Its undercoat is almost invisible, but the silky ridge reaches at least 20 cm in length.

Maintaining the glamorous appearance of a dog is not easy. Its coat must be washed weekly, thoroughly dried with a hairdryer, curled in curlers and lubricated with special oil from a veterinary pharmacy.

About the Maltese



It has a dense undercoat and a luxurious coat that gives it the appearance of a teddy bear. Despite this fact, the Pomeranian practically does not shed, but requires very meticulous care.

The teeth of the Pomeranian deserve special attention. A four-legged baby is prone to tartar formation and persistence of milk teeth.

About the Pomeranian

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Dogs without a distinct odor also need care. If you do not take care of their cleanliness, over time you will always smell an unpleasant odor. To maintain a neat appearance of your pet, follow these tips:

  • Arrange bath days. On average, it is enough to bathe your pet once a month. More frequent washing (once a week) is necessary for hairless breeds and four-legged pets living in the city.
  • Do not neglect shampooing. Plain water will not remove all the stench, so be sure to buy dog ​​shampoos with safe fragrances.
  • Do not be lazy to wash the dog’s paws after each walk. In hot weather, they may look clean, but dirt and dust remain stuck to the pads and cannot be removed with a dry towel.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene. Your pet at least 2 times a week. If he is at risk of oral diseases, it is better to increase the frequency to 2 times a day.
  • Use a hygienic haircut. With its help, you can remove excess hair from the anus to avoid the accumulation of feces and urine.
  • Dry your long-haired pet after each meal to prevent food stuck in its fur from rotting.
  • Don’t overdo the carbohydrates in its diet and be sure to monitor the well-being of your four-legged friend when changing food or introducing a new product. A negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract can also contribute to the appearance of a stench.

If you strictly adhere to all of the above, but the unpleasant smell does not disappear, contact a veterinary clinic. The problem may be a disease of internal organs, which requires mandatory treatment under the supervision of a specialist.