Dog Clings to Owner’s Leg in Shelter, Knowing He’s About to Be Abandoned

dog clings owner leg shelter
Forgotten Now Family Rescue

At the shelter, the employees were heartbroken when they saw the elderly dog’s condition. His owner expected them to solve the problem. They couldn’t accept that.

Adopting a senior dog. dogs waiting at the shelter have dreams

Senior dogs who end up in shelters usually stay there for the rest of their lives. Doomed to spend the rest of their lives there, they follow each host with nostalgic, but often resigned, eyes. Some still try to get noticed and gently wag their tails. Many elderly dogs lie resigned somewhere in the corner of the shelters. This sight breaks the employees’ hearts. And these dogs still have dreams, hoping that one day they will take the longest walk with their owner.

Adopting a senior dog is often anxiety-provoking. People are afraid of the rapid death of their new pet, but also of health problems. There is a belief that older dogs do not stay clean and have behavioral problems. Many people with older dogs go to a shelter or veterinarian and ask for their pet to be euthanized. Instead of helping the dog with everyday difficulties and treating it, some people prefer to get rid of the problem by ending the dog’s suffering. It often turns out that older dogs, misjudged by their owners, still have a great will to live.

dog clings owner leg shelter
Forgotten Now Family Rescue

The owner decided to fix the problem. The dog felt the worst

One day, a man came to the shelter with his 18-year-old dog. His pet could barely move and needed human help to stand. Glued to the owner’s leg, he felt why he was there. The man asked the shelter employees to put his dog to sleep.

@chrissyrescuer January 12th will be burned in my mind forever . Itโ€™s the day you came into my life. I begged your owner while dragging you hardly able to stand into the city shelter to please let me take you and him to a vet instead. Please donโ€™t make him walk in that shelter. I knew you were so old and sick. The owner laughed in my face and said no. I watched you cling to his leg. 18 years you gave him and he was at the shelter to euthanize you. I looked at you standing there and signaled to the shelter team I would be taking you. I got you to my car and threw up everywhere from the blood and fluids leaking all over me. The smell of your infected masses. The smell of urine. I wasnโ€™t sure how to even help you but I knew you deserved better than ending at the shelter. I took you straight to the vet for pain control and ready to make the decision to let you go in a loving place if needed. The more I sat with you at the vet I realized you had no clue what love was. I would touch you and your eyes looked confused. I decided we were going to find love before you left. Our amazing partner @goodvetscharlotte saw the same value in you. They agreed to doing your mass removal surgery. I simply wanted them off so you could feel what itโ€™s like to drink water or eat without pain. I thought if I could give you a week of real life and love it would mean the world to me. You started your life being โ€œadoptedโ€ 18 years years ago at the shelter and then they tried to take you back when you were of no use. I sat with you the first week and thought just how much I would give to have had you the 18 years, you are amazing Seymour. The days turned to weeks. I am in amazement that today we celebrate 6 months with you. I love you to infinity and beyond my sweet old man. You wait for me at the door. You โ€œyellโ€ at me for cookies 24/7. I canโ€™t imagine life without you. Every family event your front and center in your pjs. Every puppy that comes in you play police like a true Pappy. Seymour I knew you needed me that night but I had no clue how much my heart needed you. we have become best friends and I am yours and you are mine! Happy 6 months Seymour๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป #rescue #hospice #pittiesoftiktok #myguy #dontleaveme โ™ฌ You and Me – Eldar Kedem

The rescuers were amazed by the caregiver’s request. They could not believe that it was so easy for the man, especially since his dog was constantly cuddling his leg. The dog required medical intervention. The skin infections and tumors on his body probably caused him great pain. The shelter took the dog in to help him. However, they knew that he would probably stay with them for the rest of his days, since few people came forward to adopt senior dogs.

dog clings owner leg shelter
Forgotten Now Family Rescue

A Senior dog experiences a second youth

A woman who was at the shelter at the time saw the whole situation. The story of a senior dog being treated so cruelly by his owner touched her heart. She couldn’t leave him like that and wanted to give him the best life for his last days. She took the dog home and introduced him to her family.

dog clings owner leg shelter
Forgotten Now Family Rescue

The old dog turned out to be her most loyal friend. Grateful for his rescue, he showed his love for his new family in every way possible. He celebrates every holiday possible with his family. He even dressed up with the kids for Halloween. The woman does not know how many days they have left together, but each of them is unique and important in the life of the whole family.

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