Dog Who Lost Everything Clings To His Teddy Bear At The Shelter

dog clings to teddy bear

This poor dog clung to her teddy bear with which she was abandoned in a high mortality shelter in Texas.

After being abandoned in a shelter, this poor one-year-old dog named Ellie clung to the only thing left in the world: a big teddy bear. Ellie is a Blue Lacy dog, who lived with a family near Dallas, Texas (USA). But in June, she was turned over to a local shelter.

Independent lifeguard Jennifer Jessup told The Dodo:

They had gone to the trouble of getting her all her shots, spayed and microchippedโ€ฆ [then] they just dropped her off at the nearest shelter after keeping her there for months. She pretty much lost everything she’d ever known, and when she was 1, [she] found herself in a loud, scary place where they sacrifice themselves for space.

Abandoned dog clings to her teddy bear

Ellie in the shelter

The shelter was a terrifying experience for Ellie, and she spent most of her time huddled next to the teddy bear, which her previous family had left her.

Jennifer said:

She was so scared and she was clinging to him. It was the only thing I had.

ellie and her teddy bear

Luckily, Ellie didn’t spend much time at the shelter. Jennifer’s brother, who lives in Florida, was looking to adopt a dog and contacted his sister to help find a shelter. So Jennifer started searching the internet, and with the help of TAGG Rescue, she found Ellie at the shelter in Texas.

scared ellie

Jennifer said:

I have a friend in Texas who I reached out to and he was like, ‘Sure, I’m going to get her. So he took her out of the shelter with his teddy bear and took her to this accommodation. , where they gave her a bath and made sure that all the papers were in order, and that she was fully checked.

rescued ellie

After one night, Ellie went to a temporary foster home until she was moved to Florida. The dog started to feel a little better once in a house, but she still clung to her teddy bear.


But it was time for Ellie to meet her new father. TWD Transport, a company that transports rescue dogs across the country, flew Ellie from Texas to Florida.

Ellie and her dad

Jennifer said:

She is exhausted and my brother will spend the day with her to try to cheer her up. She’s very shy and it’s been a tough trip, so it’s going to take her a while to come out of her shell.

But Jennifer is sure Ellie has found the perfect home with her brother.

ellie adopted

Jennifer added:

She’s slowly calming down, and he…gives her lots and lots of affection and quiet time.

Images: Jennifer Jessup


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