Dog Offers Baby His Favorite Toy Every Time He Hears Him Cry

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Brutus, a 2-year-old bullmastiff who lives with his family in California, has a penchant for destroying toys. But there is only one toy that Brutus refrained from breaking: a yellow ball. This ball is an indistinct yellow plush that Brutus likes to carry in his mouth.

Bonnie Michalek, Brutus’ mother, told The Dodo:

“It’s the only toy that won’t destroy itself in five minutes.”

Although he is a toy destroyer, Brutus is the most loyal and kind dog.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Bonnie said:

“I call her my first baby.”

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Bonnie has to make the “first” distinction now as she recently gave birth to her first human child: a son named Kayden.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Even though Kayden is a new experience for the whole family, they had no doubt that Brutus would get along with the new baby.

Bonnie said:

“He has always loved children. Every time he hears children laughing outside, he gets excited.”

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Brutus knew the family was expecting a baby before they even knew it.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Bonnie said:

“Brutus knew she was pregnant before me, he definitely felt it before I knew it.”

Dog comforts his crying human brother by bringing his favorite toy

dog comforts little brother cries toys

The dog was never separated from her and accompanied her when her husband was away. He even refused to go to sleep in her bed to stay with her.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

And because Brutus is a mama’s boy, she was careful to include him in the changes taking place in the family as they prepared for the arrival of little Kayden.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

When Kayden was born, Brutus went to Bonnie’s parents. And when his family came to pick him up, Bonnie knew that Brutus, being a momma’s son, wanted some alone time with her before he met the baby.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

She said:

“I made sure to pay attention. Then I let Brutus in and meet the baby. Brutus completely saved my husband from meeting Kayden. She immediately wanted to kiss him and snuggle up him.”

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Since day one, Brutus hasn’t taken his eyes off Kayden.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Every time she hears him cry; she knows she has to help him in some way. So he started bringing his famous yellow ball to Kayden.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Bonnie said:

“He grabs his favorite toy to bring to Kayden for comfort!”

dog comforts little brother cries toys

This ball always does Brutus good, so he thought it might work the same way for his little brother.

dog comforts little brother cries toys

Everyone is learning and growing now that Kayden is here.

dog comforts little brother cries toys
dog comforts little brother cries toys

And Brutus just found out that besides his yellow ball, there are other kinds of toys that aren’t even for dogs, but I hope Kayden returns the favor and shares it with him.

Images: Instagram / captainbrutus

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