He disappeared on the first day of the war in Ukraine. Finally, the wandering ended

Dog disappeared on the first day of the war in Ukraine

A Ukrainian resident spent two years looking for his beloved dog. The dog was a guide dog for a blind man. When bombs fell on the city, the animal fled in terror. The guardian had lost all hope of getting her back. The phone call received from a soldier at the front leaves no doubt.

Guide dog. The blind gain more than just a friend

A guide dog for the blind is not only a good companion, but first of all it is his eyes. A canine assistant adds self-confidence, facilitates contacts with others and allows a blind person to lead a more active life. The most important task of such an animal is to quickly and safely guide its owner on varied terrain. Such an individual is distinguished by specific character traits and undergoes special training.

When the first bombs fell on kyiv, marking the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine, Sergei’s guide dog was terrified and very confused. Although he was trained to work in difficult conditions and his concentration on the owner was perfect, the sounds of explosions made the dog escape from his owner.

The search for the missing dog lasted almost 2 years

Terrified by the situation, the man started looking for his canine friend. A dog named Plusza had lived with him since she was a puppy and was not only his eyes, but also his most faithful companion in life. He posted notices in the neighborhood, published her photos on many websites and even on TV. He was very afraid that his dog would become the victim of an armed attack due to the ongoing war. He could not accept his loss.

However, the search yielded no results. The man became depressed. He lost not only his friend, but also the ability to move freely. His friends, fearing for his health, gave him a new guide dog. Thanks to another pet, Sergei slowly healed his broken heart.

Unexpected news from the war front

Suddenly, a friend of the man who had helped search for the missing dog answered the phone. He was contacted by a military man who claimed that he was caring for a dog at the front very similar to the missing guide dog. He stumbled upon an ad on the Internet and decided to tell the owner about his friend.

At first, Sergei did not believe that it could be his friend the dog. However, after checking the chip number, everything became clear. It was a plush toy! The man quickly arranged an appointment. He did not want to live another day without his dog. Although almost two years have passed since the last meeting with the dog, she immediately recognized him, greeting him with a cheerful wag of her tail and lots of affection. Her main task now will be to establish a relationship with the dog’s new tenant.

Dog disappeared on the first day of the war in Ukraine

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