The Dog Does Not Use Its Hind Leg In Solidarity With Its Owner On Crutches

dog does not use hind leg shows solidarity owner crutches

This adorable Pomeranian puppy does not use his hind leg as a sign of solidarity with his owner on crutches.

Polo is a charming Pomeranian puppy, very sweet and endowed with a heart of gold. He’s a very loyal boy and ultimately, he’s not just a friend in good times. And it allowed him to see his family recently.

A few days ago, Polo’s adoptive mother, Steph Najar, had an accident while playing with Polo and his brothers at home. The woman ended up injured in her left foot and will have to use crutches for some time.

Seeing his mother in this situation, the puppy decided to sympathize with her, which few would do. But Polo is not just anyone and after seeing Steph limping around the house on his crutches, the little boy started to walk, lifting one of his hind legs.

The dog does not use its hind leg in solidarity with its mother

Pomeranian in the park

Steph told The Dodo:

It was my dad who noticed that Polo was limping. I checked his leg and he was fine.

Everything seems to indicate that Polo has decided to give up the use of his left leg until his mother fully recovers from her discomfort, an act she has taken as a sign of solidarity and sympathy for his current condition, and that she has completely filled your heart.

Steph says:

He only limps when he follows me. I was very surprised!

dog doesn't use his back leg

In the end, it’s just about Polo being Polo. Steph has always had a deep and wonderful connection with her little dog, and it’s so much fun to watch him limp after her every time she sees her, and no doubt his sweet gesture is proof of the great love that Polo has for her.

Adorable fluffy dog on the stairs

Finally, Steph said:

He shows me that he has the same immense love that I have for him.

Images: Instagram/ stephnajar


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