A Pregnant Dog Finds A Feeder And Decides To Give Birth There

dog finds manger decides to give birth

In the small Mexican town of Palenque, in a Christmas nativity scene made up of typical festive figurines, he was recently joined by an unexpected guest. Earlier this week, an adorable pregnant homeless dog claimed the nursery as her own and gave birth to a litter of little puppies inside the straw-filled exhibit.

When local reporter Eric Guzman first saw the dog curled up inside the stall, he was shocked to find that she had created a safe place for her puppies to be born.

According to Guzmรกn, it’s been cold in Palenque lately, but it’s generally warm all year round.

He said to The Dodo:

“He was amazed and at the same time happy to see that he had his puppies in a safe place where they didn’t get wet or cold.”

A pregnant dog finds a feeder and decides to give birth there

dog finds manger decides to give birth

The symbolism of the presence of the dogs did not go unnoticed by the locals and people began to make pilgrimages to visit them, bringing gifts of food and water for the young family.

dog finds manger decides to give birth

The local authorities even decided that the female dog and her puppies could stay inside the feeder. Animal advocates from Dejando Huellitas SOS Palenque have stepped in to ensure the family will continue to receive care now and in the future.

dog finds manger decides to give birth

The birth of the puppies inside the feeder has inspired Guzmรกn and many others to hope that citizens will more conscientiously adopt strays instead of buying them from pet stores. Her hope is that everyone will learn to love dogs, regardless of their background or circumstances.

dog finds manger decides to give birth

In the wake of these recent events, many people are coming together with compassion and kindness to help care for these new members of their community. Some help find homes for each pup once they are old enough.

dog finds manger decides to give birth

The story behind this Christmas charm has sparked kindness from all directions, proving that even in the midst of difficult situations, there is always hope and joy around every corner during this special time of Christmas.

Images: Facebook / Dejando huellitas S O S Palenque

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