This adorable dog is digging a hole in the neighbor’s fence so he can play with his friend next door.
A cunning dog decided to do something to get closer to the dog next door. Between the two animals, there is a fence that apparently got in the way of the friendship between these boys, something that one of them apparently didn’t like.
Everest, a huge St. Bernard dog, decided to solve what seemed to be causing him a little discomfort, by making a hole so that his neighbor could also interact with him whenever he wanted. Since then, the dogs can often be seen poking their heads in this space they themselves have set up to spend time together.
Elizabeth Potter, Everest’s adoptive mother, who lives in Minnesota in the United States, recalls that one day when she was about to go to work, she noticed that her Saint Bernard was static on a game. the fence, something unusual in dogs who are usually very active.
The dog digs a hole in the fence to play with his next friend

Apparently, this mischievous three-year-old boy was up to his old tricks with the neighbor’s dog, a two-year-old mastiff named Bear.
The two dogs were trying to get a little closer to each other, so Bear and Everest opened a hole in the fence using their giant heads so they could cross to the other side.
Elizabeth, who is a nurse, told Metro UK:
It wasn’t until Bear stuck his head out that I realized they had destroyed the fence my husband had built himself. Honestly, I thought it was funny. Dogs will be dogs.

Elizabeth says it’s not the first time her furry lover has ruined something dear with his antics. According to the woman, her husband did not find Bear’s actions funny at all and tried to find a solution for Everest and his best friend.
Finally, Elizabeth added:
My husband and the neighbors decided to put up a swinging metal door so Bear could enter our patio at any time and we could use his hot tub at any time.
Images: YouTube / Caters Clips
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