The dog finally understood that he was leaving the shelter. He replied with a beautiful smile

dog leaving shelter beautiful smile

Is smiling an emotional expression reserved only for humans? Our pets are no exception and also display their mouths open with their tongues sticking out as a sign of joy. Just look at the reaction of a dog named Ronnie after leaving the shelter. The dog couldn’t contain his excitement at the sight of his new owners.

In the human world, the exposure of teeth depends on the strength of the emotions we feel: the stronger the joy, the wider our smile. Meanwhile, dogs can also express their emotions with their facial expression. If you can’t believe that dogs fully understand what you say to them, this story will make you believe it.

Ronnie went from the streets to the shelter

Meet Ronnie – a bastard who definitely has something of a pit bull about him. The young male roamed the streets in search of food until he was finally rescued and taken to a Dallas Animal Services animal shelter.

Marlo Clingman, an employee of the shelter’s information desk, recalls Ronnie’s early days showing great enthusiasm and joy at the sight of volunteers and visitors to the facility. Even though he was doing well in the institution, there was no doubt that in order to be completely happy, he needed a tutor to whom he would give his whole heart.

dog leaving shelter beautiful smile
Dallas Animal Services

His smile was so wide he squinted

The mission of each shelter is to find owners responsible for their charges. Once this is done, the animals feel it instinctively. Ronnie was no different.

Ronnie waited patiently for his turn, and the day finally arrived. The animal knew perfectly well that something was going on when he first saw his future guardian, Ashley. The dog continued to wag its tail even after leaving the box and jumping into the car.

Ashley decided to capture the new ward’s reaction in a commemorative photo, but she didn’t expect the dog to reward her adoption with a beautiful smile. Knowing that he finally had a family filled him with satisfaction. “Green” did not come out of his mouth!

dog leaving shelter beautiful smile
Dallas Animal Services

The adopted dog is now part of the family

Although it took a long time for Ronnie to settle under the roof of his temporary family, today he gives them lots of kisses every chance he gets. According to Clingman, he loves both men and women equally, but most of all he loves his adoptive mom and dad who got him out of the shelter.

โ€œHe would be happy if he had a great dog friend to play with,โ€ explains the shelter employee.

dog leaving shelter beautiful smile
Dallas Animal Services

It remains to cross our fingers that soon people will request it, thanks to which it will replace temporary accommodation with permanent accommodation!

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