Dog Never Left Cemetery When Owner Died Now Comforts People

dog never left Cemetery owner dead

Bobby is a resident dog of the Roca Municipal Cemetery, located in the province of Rio Negro, Argentina, who decided to stay for three years. Apparently, the departure of his beloved owner had a big impact on him, but the dog shows that even death cannot separate him from him.

Since then, he accompanies the gravedigger Daniel Cisterna on a daily basis in the afternoon and has become his best friend, companion and protector.

Daniel told Rio Negro:

“Three years ago, its owner passed away and since then he has never left the cemetery. He stayed because his master is buried here.”

Dog never left the cemetery where his owner died

Bobby Cemetery

Bobby has his own little house in the cemetery. Since arriving at the hearse from the most important person in his life, he has decided to stay with the workers. Days passed and his family set out to find him, but Bobby didn’t change his mind and stayed near his best friend’s grave.

Bobby visits cemetery

Daniel commented:

“The little dog was still on his master’s grave; he didn’t want to go. They loaded him into a truck, but he got out and returned to his master’s grave. He doesn’t want to leave, he wants to stay with his master.”

Despite much effort, his family decided to let the puppy stay, after all, that was what they wanted to do the most.


The gravedigger says there are more dogs in the graveyard, but Bobby’s loyalty, loyalty and unconditional love moved him a lot.

Daniel added:

“I was very moved by the affection he had for his master, for his fidelity, it is something that I had never seen.”

The two have created a very beautiful bond of friendship, and since Daniel arrives at the cemetery, Bobby accompanies him to do all his work.

Bobby and Daniel

Whether the man has to bury, visit the cemetery, or repair graves, Bobby is always by his side, as any friend would. Whenever he hears Daniel’s motorbike, he comes to the door to greet him and when he leaves he accompanies him to the exit and goes home.

But the most surprising thing about Bobby is that when it comes to funeral services, he has developed a role that touches people.

Bobby dog

When Daniel performs a funeral, the dog lies down next to the grieving family and remains motionless to observe the ritual.

Daniel said:

“It seems he understands his pain.”

In the end, people are moved by the dog’s gesture, ask questions about it, stroke it, and it becomes a kind of emotional therapist. Daniel ends up telling the moving story of the puppy to people, who are genuinely shocked at his loyalty to his owner.

Sometimes they ask how the dog survives in the graveyard, but luckily Bobby has a godfather who meets all of his needs. A woman named Adriana Carrasco is responsible for bringing food to Bobby and the other dogs in and around the place every week.

Adriana is an animal lover and, along with her siblings, they devote part of their time to feeding and caring for homeless dogs.

Adriana godmother Bobby

Since the death of her mother in 2008, Adriana has visited the cemetery regularly and thus meets the dogs that live there. The woman keeps in touch with the gravedigger Daniel, inquiring about the dogs, in case they need anything, and he makes sure to let her know.

Bobby eats

Many people ask why an adoptive family is not wanted for Bobby, but the reality is that the cemetery is his home.

Adriana commented:

“The dog chose to live in the cemetery, this is their home, they don’t lack affection, food or veterinary care. They are good here.”

Daniel Bobby

Bobby will continue to do his job as an emotional therapist for all who need it and will continue to demonstrate his incredible loyalty.

Images: Youtube

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