Freddie is a Chihuahua locked in a small wire cage for nine years. All his life he was locked up to be used for breeding, and he rarely left that cage. The little boy never knew what it was like to have a family. Year after year, he fathered hundreds of young that he never knew, until his owner wanted to get rid of him because he was too old to reproduce.
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) rescued Freddie and 34 other dogs from a puppy mill in the Midwest, home to many of the best-known large-scale breeding operations in the United States.

Like most dogs rescued from puppy mills, Freddie was very shy at first, but soon he was receiving hugs and kisses from his rescuers.

Theresa Strader, founder of NMDR, told The Dodo:
“Crate life takes a heavy toll on dogs, both physically and emotionally. Many of our dogs need extensive rehabilitation before they’re ready to be family members, [but] Freddie certainly has a spirit. resilient. He’s a brave guy.”

When Theresa gave him his first bed, Freddie’s bubbly personality shone through in a special way, a symbolic moment for many rescue dogs that ushers in many ‘firsts’ to come.
It’s bittersweet, especially for older dogs like Freddie who have been trapped in these puppy mills their entire lives while their puppies are sold.
Dog rescued from puppy mill gets first bed

Therese said:
“It’s heartbreaking to realize that they’ve been denied the basics so far.”
When Theresa first entered Freddie’s enclosure at the rescue center, she put the bed down and the dog just stared at her. He had his tail between his legs, but he was moving at the same time. So he put Freddie on the bed, and he immediately started jumping up and snuggling into it.

Due to a lifelong lack of dental care, Freddie lost all of his teeth, which made his first attempt at chewing on his new bed even more adorable.
Therese said:
“Freddie loved his bed right away. Other dogs may be more cautious and don’t know what a soft bed is for, but they learn very quickly. Freddie snuggled up from the start, like he knew that that was just one of the many benefits he was going to experience [now].”
Freddie was waiting for a home, and the shelter staff knew he wouldn’t have to wait too long. Ever since the rescue center shared the video of him enjoying his new bed, people have started applying to adopt him.

Finally a nice family has adopted Freddie. And now he can have the life he deserves, surrounded by love and many new experiences to live.
To help more dogs be saved from these horrible places called “puppy mills”, you can donate to National Mill Dog Rescue.
Images: National Mill Dog Rescue
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