The sheepdog was wandering in the rain, carrying away a priceless souvenir. He didn’t want to let her out of his mouth

dog wandered in the rain taking priceless souvenir

The German Shepherd has long roamed the streets of downtown Detroit. If the mere sight of a stray animal moved the hearts of the inhabitants, they were even more moved by the object carried by the dog in its mouth. The dog kept his favorite toy all the time – the last memory of the deceased owner.

That day, rain clouds gathered over Detroit. From the morning, the rain did not stop for a moment, and among the darkness, the rescuers saw a soaked, emaciated and frightened female. With horror in her eyes, she strode forward with her favorite mascot in her mouth.

A sheepdog roamed the streets with his favorite toy

Almost Home Animal Rescue League founder Gail Montgomery told People that news has reached the organization of an abandoned German Shepherd dog. They received photos in which it is really hard to hold back tears. The sad dog walks ahead in the pouring rain, holding between his teeth a stuffed animal – the only object that brought him little comfort in a difficult life situation.

Rescuers didn’t wait long and set out to find the animal, hoping to find it and free it from a senseless wandering around. Fortunately, in cooperation with another organization, we managed to catch the female dog as quickly as possible. She was then transported, accompanied by a toy, to the establishment.

Fate did not spare the dog

Thanks to the social networks of the organization that took care of the sheepdog, we learn that the fate was definitely not favorable to him. Well, it turns out she became homeless after her guardian left. Left alone, the dog had no choice but to take his favorite toy in his mouth and move forward in search of food and a dry place to hide.

Unfortunately, living on the streets has contributed to the development of many health complications. Although the dog was very thin, the rescuers, seeing her enlarged belly, suspected that she might be pregnant. However, it turned out that her abdominal cavity had swollen due to improper feeding. In addition, she was diagnosed with heartworm disease, which requires further treatment.

The plush accompanies Nikki all the time

Recently, the organization caring for the dog announced that her name was Nikki. Although she still needs constant veterinary supervision, she is ready to join a loving home. However, his guardians must show a lot of warmth, patience and understanding. The dog had very difficult experiences.

The dog now lives with a foster family, where she is treated like a real princess. Of course, she takes her favorite toy everywhere, which accompanied her even when she was alone.

– Love and sweet belly rub. It’s my favorite way to spend my free time – we read on Facebook in the description of Nikki’s photo.

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