Dogs Before And After The Adoption That Changed Their Lives

dogs before after adoption

There are many abandoned animals in the world and the reflection the streets leave on them can only be compared to the transformation that marks their adoption.

Around the world, many animals are abandoned. In the United States alone, 3.3 million dogs end up in shelters, and an average of 670,000 of them are euthanized; Undoubtedly, these are very discouraging numbers for those who still pursue animal welfare.

Fortunately, these numbers are decreasing and the animals to adopt are increasing. Look at their before and after, it definitely shows that they are going through a complete rebirth.

A group on Reddit called BeforeNAfterAdoption that currently has over 1.2 millions members often shares their adoption experiences by posting photos of their pets’ incredible transformations.

Dogs before and after adoption

Kenai starts his heartworm treatment tomorrow, can’t wait for him to be heartworm free! It’s come so far in the month I got it. Already gained 12 pounds!


It was my love, Maya. The top is the day she was rescued from neglect and abuse and the bottom is the day I adopted her! I guess it’s more of a before and after rescue


A year later, Ronnie has gone from starving, given BB pellets and heartworm positive to our beloved, darling, clumsy, princess. I have never had a sweeter dog.

dogs before after adoption

In the shelter vs in a foster family

In the shelter vs in a foster family

15 months!

15 months

“Otis was found hiding behind a dumpster at a local bank. He had Parvo and was in quarantine for 8 days. He has been with me for over five years and is the best dog I have ever had. “

rescued dog a before and after

This little golden retriever was rescued from a breeder by a Korean family, she went from weighing 15 to 60 pounds.

pet is demure and is now happy

There are approximately 78 million dogs in the United States. About 44% have housing. The American Pet Products Association APPA reports that an average of 34% is acquired from breeders while 23% is rescued and given up for adoption from shelters.

“My beautiful little dog with her puppies before I adopted her and now 3.5 years later.”

before and after being rescued from this dog

“We found him infested with fleas on the sidewalk 3 months ago. His name is paradise and he likes the rain.”

demure dog a before and after

It has been recognized as the main factors in the abandonment of pets, the development of aggressive behaviors; the size it can reach when it reaches adulthood, and even health problems. Fortunately, there are still people ready to meet these challenges with dedication and love.

“From a severe case of scabies and living in the dumpster on the streets of San Antonio to 3 months later Loving life, growing up and learning sign language! Meet our deaf dog, Rue!”

rescued little puppy

No one wanted to adopt him because of his cropped ears and “scary” face. He had stopped eating to the point that he was underweight. Now Bronco is healthy, always smiling and loving everyone he meets.

Dogs before and after their adoption that changes their lives

The effects of life on the streets, hunger, suffering and abuse that many dogs face are undeniable, but watching the recovery process through the love and second chances that the adoption ; It is undoubtedly the best reward a human being can find.

happy adopted dog

“I adopted Phyllis, 13, a year ago today! She arrived emaciated, anemic from fleas and with a 5 pound tumor on her side. No one thought they were going to make it and we Here’s to a year later! Happy adoption day, my little Philly Cheesesteak!”

Dogs before and after their adoption changes their lives

It is important to emphasize the positive results of adoption; affection, love and care bring about amazing and majestic changes in the lives of these innocent beings. It is heartwarming to see how much happiness returns thanks to the second chances that many shelters and people give these pets.

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