Emotional Support Dogs, as the name suggests, provide emotional support to their owners. To do this, they do not need special training, they do not need to have a diploma or have special skills. It is possible that your dog is, if it helps you relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, or reduce panic attacks.
Almost any animal can be an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), but more often dogs or cats are
How do they differ from service dogs? Those, in turn, should be able to do a lot. Especially those features that are not available to their disabled owners. Training, for example, guide dogs takes a lot of time and money. They are trained to perform certain tasks that some people, due to their characteristics, cannot complete. They are becoming so indispensable that in many countries such dogs are considered “medical equipment”. And therefore, they are allowed to accompany their owner or mistress in places where ordinary animals are prohibited from entering.
Emotional support dogs do not have to follow any special commands, they only provide their “help paw” in a difficult situation. They help the owners, giving them comfort from their very presence. Emotional Support Dog provides emotional support to its owner and helps stabilize the mood (mental health) of the person.
In some countries, there is no legal term โemotional support dogโ, so support in most situations will have to be provided on a general basis.
In the United States, the right to travel with an emotional support dog is enshrined in air travel laws. And the 1988 Housing Discrimination Act helps the owners of these animals find housing where pets are prohibited. That is, ESA animals have the right to accompany their owner when traveling by plane and do not need to pay for them in a rented apartment (because he is working).
However, the landlord has the right to request disability documentation. But they are not allowed to request specific medical information regarding disability. Here is a sample of the documentation required to prove a disability for which emotional support is essential for an animal.
Asking the landlord for their emotional support for the animal is in writing and it must explain that placing your dog with you will alleviate the symptoms of your disability that you do not need to give details about.
In order to receive the proud title of an emotional support dog, the owner must take a certificate from a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist detailing the reasons why he needs such an assistant. Roughly speaking, Emotional Support Dog can be prescribed by a doctor (licensed therapist or psychiatrist) only to those people who have a diagnosis from a certain list. Such a recommendation, of course, is given in writing.
The emotional support dog is part of an overall treatment plan designed to improve the patient’s condition and quality of life. The desire to fly with your dog on an airplane or live in a pet-free apartment is not enough to designate your dog as an Emotional Support Dog. Such an animal is available only to people with a disability certified by an authorized doctor.
Most often, such a recommendation is received by war veterans and victims of psychological and / or physical abuse. Psychological support dogs are provided, for example, to people with the following conditions – PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety, anxiety attacks, depression or suicidal tendencies. And these are just some of the diagnoses from the “list”. The dog provides emotional support in such a way as to alleviate one or more of the identified symptoms of a person’s disability. It is much more than just hanging out with someone who is lonely.
A prerequisite, which is valid from January 1, 2019, an ESA animal must be over 4 months old. This is done for the safety of the caudate, because at this age all vaccinations have not yet been made and, accordingly, it is too early for travel.
Several US airlines have recently tightened regulations on the transport of assistance animals. This applies mainly to abuse by passengers. The fact is that an animal of emotional support can be considered not only a dog, but also a hamster, a bird, and even a pony. There is a known case when a woman tried to hold a live peacock in the salon under the guise of being her Emotional Support Animal. ๐
All of them must be carried in the aircraft cabin free of charge. While other animals have to fly in the hold and at an additional cost. Now many airlines ask for a certificate not only from the passenger, but also from the animal – from a veterinarian and a dog handler.
One person can only have one Emotional support Dog. Such animals are obliged to wear identification vests (harnesses) in public places.
10 Best dog breeds for emotional support
Let’s start with a quote from 19th century American classic Josh Billings: “The dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.” Neither subtract nor add. Here is a list of dog breeds that will undoubtedly help owners get through a difficult streak in their lives. They will support, encourage, in a word, they will always be there. And they won’t ask for anything in return.
American Pit Bull Terrier

We bet that the last thing you expected to see here is this breed. The blame for everything is notoriety and the columns of the criminal chronicle. But in practice, it turned out that the “bad” dogs were in the hands of completely unprepared owners who completely removed themselves from the responsibilities of training, socializing and raising their pets. In fact, it is difficult to find another such dog capable of supporting the owner in literally everything. Both in joy and in sorrow. For beginners, the American Pit Bull, of course, is hardly suitable. Confident in your abilities – go for it.
Golden retriever

The Golden retriever and his closest relative, the Labrador Retriever, are the clearest examples of canine kindness, good nature and, if you will, philanthropy. It is not for nothing that dogs of these breeds perform the functions of nurses for seriously ill people, work in hospices, help autistic children, people with mental disorders, etc. The main plus: dogs have a golden character; at the same time, they are predictable and well trained.
Labrador retriever

We have already given praise to these wonderful dogs in the previous paragraph. All of the above fully applies to both Golden Retrievers and Labradors. Truly versatile dogs you can always count on.

They entered our life quietly and imperceptibly. The breed is loved by the Queen of England – perhaps everything that was known about the corgi. And today they are widely known and loved by their fans around the world. Bright, positive dogs in all respects. They are very smart, well trained, easily find a common language with owners of different temperaments and ages. Do not forget: corgi will never let the owner lie in bed and reflect on their difficult fate. These small and endless cute dogs will forcefully take you outside and make you look at your life from a different angle.
Yorkshire Terrier

An old truth: if it has decreased somewhere, it means that it has arrived in some place. Yorkies are small dogs, but their small size is more than offset by fearlessness and affection for their owners. Yes, they require increased attention to themselves, but they always give ten times more than they receive. Another plus: Yorkies love to travel with their owners. With such a friend it will definitely not be boring.
Irish Wolfhound

Do you want a lot of dogs? Consider a gentle giant Irish wolfhound. A natural defender with an incredibly subtle mental organization, so to speak. Dogs know how to tune in to the wave of their owners, think and feel with them. The breed has one significant drawback – a short life span (six to eight years). The loss of a loyal friend can be a serious psychological trauma for the owner.
Cavalier king Charles spaniel

Do you know what is the “informal” nickname for dogs of this breed? The Comforter Spaniel! The statement is true. Cuddle such a wonderful pet to yourself, caress, pet – and problems will immediately recede into the background. The Cavalier king Charles spaniel will become a wonderful family pet and faithful companion.

Here is another “surprise” on our list. But let no one be deceived by the appearance of these kids: they are inquisitive and brave. Chihuahua are in desperate need of training, socialization and discipline. After completing these stages, you will get a reliable friend with whom it is easy and comfortable to live and travel. “Hugs” and “kisses” are only welcome.
German Shepherd

It is difficult, sometimes impossible to describe in a nutshell the dignity of German shepherds. Smart, fearless, doing their duty to the end. German Shepherds also know how to feel their owners, to adapt to their mood. If necessary, they will both encourage and console. We do not advise beginners to opt for this breed. A dog needs a firm and skillful hand, indisputable master’s authority and discipline.
Rough Collie

One author has compared a collie to a brood hen. By the way, a good comparison: the collie checks every minute how those whom she has taken under her care are feeling. Animals or people – it doesn’t matter. The owners claim that collies can detect even the smallest nuances of the mood of loved ones and behave accordingly. The emotional comfort of those who are near is a true happiness for a collie.
This is the list of our overseas colleagues. Of course, it is by no means exhaustive: more than a dozen breeds can be safely included here. And also, mestizo and the most ordinary mongrels. Everyone is familiar with the hackneyed idiom “A dog is a friend of man.” And a friend, as you know, is chosen with heart and soul, and only then they pay attention to the breed. Do you agree, dear friends?